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API RP 13C:2010 pdf download

API RP 13C:2010 pdf download.Recommended Practice on Drilling Fluids Processing Systems Evaluation.
beam-type balance used in determining drilling fluid density NOTE See ISO 10414-1 and ISO 10414-2.
mud cleaner
combination of hydrocyclones and screens in series with the underfiow of the hydrocyclones
NOTE The hydrocyclone overflow returns to the drilling fluid, while the underfiow of the hydrocyclones is processed through a vibrating screen. The screen is usually of size API 150 or finer. The screen solids discharge is discarded while the liquid and solids passing through the screen are returned to the drilling fluid.
mud compartment
subdivision of the removal, addition or check/suction sections of a surface system
mud gun
submerged nozzle used to stir drilling fluid with a high-velocity stream
near-size particle
particle whose size is close to the size of the openings in the screen through which its passage is under evaluation
oil-based drilling fluid
drilling fluid in which the continuous phase is not miscible with water, and water or brine is the dispersed phase
NOTE Oil-based drilling fluids are usually referred to as non-aqueous drilling fluids, or NAF.
discharge stream from a centrifugal separation that contains a higher percentage of liquids than does the feed
discrete unit of solid material that consists of a single grain or of any number of grains stuck together
particle size distribution
mass, or net volume, classification of solid particles into each of the various size ranges as a percentage of the total solids of all sizes in a fluid sample
plastic viscosity
measure of the high-shear-rate viscosity which depends upon the number, shape and size of solids and the viscosity of the liquid phase
NOTE Plastic viscosity is calculated by subtracting the 300 r/min concentric cylinder viscometer reading from the 600 r/min concentric cylinder viscometer reading (see ISO 10414-1 and ISO 10414-2).
wedging or jamming of openings in a screening surface by near-size particles, preventing passage of undersize particles and leading to the blinding of the screen (see blinding)
is either ted to the screens or is bypassed, it necessary
removal section
first section in the surface drilling-fluid system, consisting of a series of compartments to remove gas and undesirable solids
instrument used to distill oil, water and other volatile material in a drilling fluid
NOTE The amount of volatile fluid is used to determine oil, water and total solids contents as volume fraction percent, expressed as a percent (see ISO 10414-1 or ISO 10414-2).
sand trap
first compartment and the only unstirred or unagitated compartment in a surface system, and intended as a settling compartment
screen cloth
type of screening surface woven in square, rectangular or slotted openings
mechanical process resulting in a division of particles on the basis of size by their acceptance or rejection by a screening surface
shale shaker
mechanical device that separates cuttings and large solids from a drilling fluid
NOTE The separation methods can include vibrating screens, rotating cylindrical screens, etc.
laboratory screen with wire-mesh or electronically-punched holes of known dimensions
sieve analysis
classification by mass of solid particles passing through or retained on a sequence of screens with decreasing aperture sizes
NOTE Sieve analysis can be carried out by wet or dry methods.
slug tank
small compartment, normally adjacent to the suction compartment, used to mix special fluids to pump downhole
NOTE Slug tanks are most commonly used to prepare a small volume of weighted drilling fluid before a drillstem trip in and out of the borehole.
suction compartment
(general) any compartment from which a pump removes fluid
suction compartment
(specific) area of the check/suction section that supplies drilling fluid to the suction of the drilling-fluid pumps.

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