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API RP 41:2010 pdf download

API RP 41:2010 pdf download.Recommended Practice for Presenting Performance Data on Cementing and Hydraulic Fracturing Equipment.
The barometer must indicate the absolute atmospheric pressure for the elevation of the test stand. In other words, the barometer must not be adjusted for altitude to give a reading corrected to sea level.
7.2.6 Calibration—Recommended Method
Any instrumentation will be recalibrated at any time a discrepancy is suspected. The discharge pressure indicating device is to be checked with a dead-weight tester according to the pumping equipment manufacturer’s normal instrumentation calibration schedule or to the pressure indicating device manufacturer’s recommended service and calibration schedule. If it is found to vary from the prescribed accuracy, it will be corrected and tests using that device will be repeated. Other pressure indicating devices, temperature indicating devices, flow meters, and barometer, should be checked at least every 6 months.
7.3.1 Data to be Recorded
The following data, as a minimum, must be observed and recorded at the time the unit is tested:
a. Pump discharge pressure.
b. Rate of volume pumped.
c. Engine air inlet temperature.
d. Pump suction pressure.
e. Barometric pressure.
f. Gear selection tested.
(It is recommended that, in addition, pump input revolutions
per minute be recorded as a check of data.)
7.4.1 Volume Measuring System— Alternate Method
The fluid to be pumped will be water. The tank, preferably cylindrical, is to be sufficiently rigid to resist dimensional change when full of fluid. The height shall not be less than the diameter of a cylindrical tank or the width or length of a rectangular tank. The fluid flow may be either from the tank or to the tank. If from the tank, the system will be termed “inlet flow system”. If to the tank, the system will be termed “discharge flow system”. Also, systems in which the time required to pump a given volume is measured shall be termed a “time required to pump a fixed volume” method. Systems in which the volume is measured on a fixed timing interval shall be termed a “volume measured in a fixed time” method. Inlet flow systems may be either “time required to pump a fixed volume” or “volume measured in a fixed time” method. Discharge flow systems may be only the “volume measured in a fixed time” method. If a swinging-type switching manifold is used with a discharge flow system, a knife-edge diverter plate should be utilized at the point on the tank where the manifold switches fluid into or out of the tank.
7.4.2 Discharge Pressure Measuring System— Alternate Method
The pressure indicating device shall be of the recording type and should record over the range of the test run. The pressure measurement is to be taken at a point not to exceed 1 meter (3 ft) from the pump outlet. The pressure indicating device installation should permit adjustable dampening so the maximum total fluctuation shall be no greater than 10 percent of the peak indicated pressure. The pressure reading shall be taken as the average of the maximum and minimum indicated pressures.
7.4.3 Suction Pressure Measuring System— Alternate Method
The suction pressure measurement is to be taken at a point no more than 1.5 meters (5 ft) from the pump suction. Both positive and negative pressures are to be taken.
7.4.4 Fluid Temperature Measuring System— Alternate Method
The temperature of the fluid shall be controlled so that it does not exceed 57°C (135°F). Measurement of temperature is to be taken in the suction between the fluid supply tank and the pump.
7.4.5 Engine Inlet Air Temperature Measurement System—Alternate Method
The engine inlet air temperature shall be measured at the engine air cleaner inlet. The thermometer shall be located so as not to be affected by the operation of the pumping equipment. Only dry-bulb temperatures are to be taken.
7.4.6 Barometric Pressure Measuring System— Alternate Method
A means for reading barometric pressure shall be provided at the test site.
The test stand instrumentation shall meet the following standards of accuracy.
7.5.1 Volume—Alternate Method
After construction of the tank, a gauge should be made and calibrated for that specific tank. This gauge is to be accurate within 1 percent of the minimum volume pumped per test point.

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