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API RP 51R:2009 pdf download

API RP 51R:2009 pdf download.Environmental Protection for Onshore Oil and Gas Prod uction Operations and Leases.
b) plans to take appropriate action on cultural and historic resources before changes are made;
c) maintenance of existing traffic patterns on highways and local access roads.
5.2.6 Interim reclamation plans and final restoration plans should be developed and incorporated into the planning process.
5.2.7 Stormwater and air (dust) permit requirements should be considered during the planning phase of the roadway.
5.3 Design and Construction
5.3.1 The design and construction of a road should be site-specific. Each road will have its own unique terrain, safety, operation, and maintenance requirements. Each area within a route will support a distinct ecology. When site conditions are appropriate, where suitable for the types of drilling or production operations anticipated, and where compatible with safety and operational concerns, primitive roads may be considered for use as a means to reduce resource impacts.
5.3.2 Design and construction documents, including plans and drawings, should be prepared during the planning and design phases before the construction of the project. Plans will enable proper and timely review of items of environmental concern. They will also be beneficial for later restoration work.
5.3.3 Construction work should be scheduled and the use of special designs and local construction practices should be considered to minimize or avoid undesirable effects on sensitive wildlife and fish habitats, wetlands, and designated federal, state, or local recreational areas. Seasonal restrictions such as freeze-thaw cycles, potential flooding, and wildlife migration should be considered.
5.3.4 The operator should confirm that the construction contractor has implemented an environmental and safety program, including the training of construction personnel. This program should include, where applicable, written procedures for a hazard communication program, hazardous material handling, spill reporting, emergency response, stormwater management, special environmental requirements within the project area, and blasting. The contractor should supply material safety datasheets (MSDSs) for all hazardous materials brought on site. Regulatory agencies often require performance bonds when roads are to be constructed in environmentally sensitive areas.
5.3.5 The operator should hold a preconstruction meeting with the contractor(s) to establish environmental and safety responsibilities along with desired objectives of the project.
5.3.6 Field inspections and lab analysis of soil samples may be used to assess soil erosion hazards and slope stability. Properties of soils, length and gradient of slopes, and vegetative cover contribute to soil stability. Fitting the profile to topography, locating roads on moderate slopes, providing adequate drainage, and stabilizing slopes decreases surface disturbance and reduces erosion and sedimentation.
5.3.7 Means and methods for erosion control are numerous and often site-specific. Revegetation with local species, rip-rap, gabions, woven jute, and energy dissipators are effective measures that may be used to reduce erosion.
5.3.8 The use of geotextiles and geosynthetics should be considered in road planning and construction. These materials offer a variety of applications, aid in stabilizing the road, and minimize the utilization of road bed and surface materials.
5.3.9 An adequate drainage system should be incorporated into the design and construction of the road. This system should efficiently intercept, collect, remove, and discharge water from roads. A drainage system that is inadequate or blocked will result in excessive erosion, failures, and higher maintenance costs.
d) developing upland sites to maximize potential for revegetation and minimize adverse visual impact and possible
e) maintaining a buffer of undisturbed vegetation between borrow pits and highways or other sites.
5.3.17 Warning signs should be provided to comply with local requirements. The signs may include road crossings, animal crossings, speed limit, road hazards, pipelines, etc.
5.3.18 Existing pipelines and other subsurface facilities should be identified before construction. These facilities should be protected to prevent accidental damage during the construction and operation of the road.
5.3.19 Measures should be taken to ensure proper and adequate procedures for waste disposal, general housekeeping. An effective emergency response plan should be in place before initiating construction. The plan may simply be a listing of telephone numbers to call should a utility or product line be damaged. Many times, the existing emergency response plan for the field area may be adequate. Construction personnel should be familiar with these plans. .
5.3.20 Construction activities should be carried out as described in the construction documents, including plans and specifications.

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