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API RP 755:2010 pdf download

API RP 755:2010 pdf download.Fatigue Risk Management Systems for Personnel in the Refining and Petrochemical Industries.
— No more than 2 extended 12 hour shifts should occur in a work set.
• If 3 or more 12 hour shifts occurs in a work set, follow the guidelines for the 12 hour shift in 4.8.1.
4.8.3 Eight Hour Shifts
8 hours shifts should rotate in the forward direction (e.g. days to evenings to nights). Normal Operations
The hours of service limits for normal operations for 8-hour shifts are as follows:
— Work sets shall not exceed 10 consecutive day, evening or night shifts.
— There shall be 36 hours off after a work set, or 48 hours after a work set containing 4 or more night shifts.
— Holdover periods, where possible, should occur at the end of the day shift. Outages
The hours of service limits for outages for 8-hour shifts are as follows:
— Work sets shall not exceed 19 consecutive calendar days.
— There shall be a minimum of 36 hours off after a work set. Time off beyond 36 hours shall be addressed at the plant level.
— Shifts are routinely scheduled for 8 hours and holdover periods should not exceed 2 hours and, where possible, occur at the end of the day shift. Extended Shifts
The hours of service limits for extended shifts for 8-hour shifts are as follows:
— Extended shifts (greater than 14 hours) shall occur only when necessary to avoid an unplanned open safety critical position or accomplish an unplanned safety critical task.
• A minimum of 8 hours off should be provided before returning for the next shift.
— The extended hour shifts shall not exceed 16 hours.
— No more than 2 non-consecutive extended shifts greater than 14 hours should occur in a work set.
— No more than 2 extended shifts of 12 hours or greater should occur in a work set. These extended shifts may be consecutive.
• If 3 or more 12 hour shifts occurs in a work set, follow the guidelines for the 12 hour shift in 4.8.1.
4.8.4 Call-Outs
Because call-outs by their nature involve unpredictable patterns of work and rest, attention should be given to call-out practices to ensure adequate rest prior to returning to work. The following factors should be considered:
— call-outs during nocturnal hours will likely result in sleep disruption;
— multiple call outs during a day may provide little opportunity for consolidated, restorative sleep;
— call-outs that end shortly before the next scheduled shift or shortly after a shift effectively results in extended shifts, and should conform to those guidelines;
— call-outs occurring on the day prior to or immediately after a work set may contribute to cumulative sleep debt.
4.8.5 Exception Process
If any of the mandatory requirements (i.e. those indicated in “shall” statements) specified in the hours of service limits are expected to be exceeded or an extended shift is contemplated, an established management exception process shall be initiated. The exception process shall involve the employee’s immediate supervisor and one other managment representative. The process shall include a documented risk assessment and mitigation plan. Examples of the plan include the following.
— The reason requiring the additional work hours or work days in excess of the hours of service limits.
— Planned mitigation steps.
— The tasks and work to be completed and the timeframe involved.
— An evaluation of the tasks and work to include identifying the following:
• the types of errors for which fatigue may increase the probability of occurring;
• potential consequences of errors from increased fatigue.

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