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API RP 6DR:2006 pdf download

API RP 6DR:2006 pdf download.Repair and Remanufacture of Pipeline Valves.
7 Evaluation of components
All components shall be inspected and evaluated in accordance with documented procedures. This shall consist of the following. as a minimum:
• Visual and dimensional inspection as to suitabahty for reuse.
• Verification of API Spec 61) specified tlangc and cnd-io-end dimensions.
• Evaluation as to ‘.alve fitness and function.
Appendix A provides minimum requirements for evaluation of components.
8 RepairlRemanufacture/Replacement of Valve Parts
Repair and remanufacture operations shall be perkwincd in accordance with documented procedures.
Valve parts shall be inspected to determine their acceptability for re-use and.”or extent of required repair. Inspection shall be per- fanned per documented procedures nut less stringent than the OEM or owner’s requwcmcnts
Lquipmcnt for measuring dimensions shall be controlled and calibrated in accordance with the rcconditioncr’s methods specified in documented procedures which shall be consistent with nationally or internationally recognired standards,
Source of replacement parts shall be one or more of the following:
a. Sortable replacement parts from the OEM.
b. Parts obtained from similar valves from the same valve manufacturer, The material must he identified, and critical dimensions verified to be the same as the original component.
c. Manufactured or repaired component parts, from the recondition facility. These parts shall be made from materials equivalent to the original. Whcre the material cannot bc dciermincd or It 5 desirable to substitute a material different from the original, the part design shall be supported by the OEM’s design file or the reconditioner’s design tile which is not less stringent than the OEM design file.
Replacement parts shall be made from materials that are procured to written specifications. Specifications for metallic parts shall. as a minimum, specify requirements for cbemistzy. heat treatment. mechanical properties. testing, and dimensions. Matcrials for replacement valve parts exposed to sour service shall comply with NACE MROI7SJISO 15156.
Weld procedures used for plessure 04 load hearing fabrication welds in pressure containing an&or pressure-controlling pails shall be qualified in accordance with ASME Section IX or EN 2ttK-3. Welders shall be qualified per ASME Section IX or EN 287-I –
Weld procedures used for pressure or load bearing welds in pressure containing and’or pressure-controlling parts for low temperature materials shall also be qualified in accordance with the applicable sections of the current edition of API Spec (iI).’IS() 14313 relating to Impact Testing of welds.
Procedures for non-pressure retaining or non-load bearing welds shall be qualified per the reconditioncr’s requirements. Weld Procedure Specifications (WPSI shall be documented, qualified, and a copy of the Procedure Qualification Record (PQR) retained.
All weld procedures used for wetted components in valves intended for use in sour oil or gas shall also meet the requirements of
NACE MROI75.’lS() 15156.
Repair welding is limited to repairing local defects or indications. Repair welding is not allowed for major fabrication welding.
Weld repair shall be performed in accordance with the recanditioner’s written procedures including the following as a minimum:
• Removal of the defect using a suitable means.
• Inspection of the excavated area using the samc methods and cnteria used 10 find the defect.
• Weld fill the subject area using qualified procedures and welders per 11.4.
• Grind or machine the welded surface 10 a finish and dimension(s) consistent with its purpose. As a minimum, surfaces shall be consistent with cleaned castings or forgings.
• Inspect the completed surface using thc same methods and critcna used to find thc defect.
NDF. where applicable, shall be performed and evaluated by SNT-TC.IA or ISO 9712 Level II certified technicians. Procedures for the NDE evaluations shall be per ASME Section V. as a minimum.
9 Reassembly
Valves shall hc reassembled in accordance with documenied proccdurcs which arc not less stnngern than the OEM or owner’s requirements and API Spec 61). Special processes and procedures shall be provided in written instructions, New pecking. gaskets, and non-metallic parts shall be used. See A.6 for replacement bolting requirements.
lntertices between pressure controlling parts shall be assa.’rnhled free of any sealant. except where the sealant is the primary means of sealing. A lubricant with a viscosity not exceeding that of SAE I OW motor oil or equivalent may be used if necessary for assembly of pressure controlling parts.
Other parts such as threads, bearings, sliding parts, etc. may be lubricated, if necessary for assembly, using an appropriate oil or grease.
Note; Valves ccif.ed by the owner as “critical service” valves for ediyloie or other services shall not be lubricated dising assembly. If mrnima) lubricant is required, the ,veondiiioner shall supply details to thc owner for cvaluation,
10 Final Acceptance
Rcpuircdrcmanufacturcd valves shall he pressure tested in accordance with the requirements of API Spec 61), as a minimum. Supplemental tests may be perkirmed as agreed between the owner and the reconditioner.

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