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API RP 7C-11F:2008 pdf download

API RP 7C-11F:2008 pdf download.Recommended Practice for Installation, Maintenance, and Operation of Internal-Combustion Engines.
6.2.2 Cleaning
If necessary, the engine exterior should be thoroughly cleaned with a mild solvent (not gasoline), and compressed air or hot water should be used for flushing and drying. Care
should be taken not to wash or blow dirt into inaccessible locations behind filler openings or into ignition or injection equipment; or on air-cooled engines, into the fins on heads and cylinder blocks. Always dry and relubricate governor and control linkage joints after flushing engine.
6.2.3 Water Pump
Water-pump seals should be inspected and packing on packed- type pumps should be tightened or replaced, if necessary.
6.2.4 Fan Belts
Fan belts should be checked for proper tension and tightened or loosened, if needed.
6.2.5 Lubricatlon of Generator and Accessorles
The generator should be lubricated with a few drops of oil and the accessories lubricated according to the instructions of the manufacturer.
6.2.6 Power Take-Off Clutch
The power take off clutch should be lubricated and adjusted, if required, according to the instructions of the man- ufacturer, but care should be taken not to over-lubricate.
6.2.7 Gas Regulators
Gas engincs should be checked for gas pressure at the pmimary and final regulators.
6.2.8 Breather Elements
All removable breather clements sbould be carefully cleaned and washed in mild solvent (not gasoline), and the oil changed on those clements requiring te oiling. Follow instructions carefully on dry type clement service.
6.2.9 Fuel Stralners
Diesel fuel system strainers should be cleaned and filters replaced if scheduled.
6.3.2 lgnitlon Systom
On spark-ignition engines the fllowing ignition devices,depending upon the type used, should be checked:
a. magneto-point condition and clearance timing
b. the impulse functioning
C. the spark-plug gap and heat range
d. the distributor condition with respect to the automatic advance mechanism
6.3.3 Valves
The external appearance of the valve mechanism should be checked, as well as the condition of valve springs and the proper lubrication of valve rockers, push-rod ends, and valve stems. All valve clearances should be set according to the instructions of the engine manufacturer. Valve timing should be checked if an adjustable timing device is provided. The compression on all cylinders should be measured, if the engine lacks power or if the condition of the valves and rings is questionable. The functioning of the compression release device should be cbecked on dieselcngines, if it is used. Engines using hydraulic valve lifters should be checked for
sounds of lifter malfunction and the manufacturer’s inspection procedure followed.
6.3.4 Starting Equlpment
The starting cquipment should be carefully tcsted and inspected. Starting engines should be checked for lubrication and general condition; special attention being given to the mounting bolts, bendix drive lubrication, engagement linkagc, pinion-gear teeth mesh and adjustment, and fuel tank strainer. Manufacturer recommendations for specifc makes and types of engines should be observed. Add the recommended lubricant to air starter lubricant reservoirs and clcan
air traps of dirt.
6.3.5 Engine Mounts
Engine mounts should be inspected and tightened, if required. A check should be made for signs of cengine shifting, misaligoment, loosening of coupling or pulley, or improper loading. Any shifting should be corrected and all points of lignmeat recbecked.
6.3.6 Cooling Fan
The cooling fan should be examined for evidence of physical damage or cracking in the hub or spider area.

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