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API RP 7HU1:2009 pdf download

API RP 7HU1:2009 pdf download.Safe Use of 2-inch Hammer Unions for Oilfield Applications.
Figure 4—Marked Raised Shoulder on New Engineering Design Compared to the Original Geometry
Go/no-go gauges should be used routinely by regular users of 2-inch hammer unions. These gauges should be readily available on aM flgs and job sites with 2-inch size unions. Field personnel should be trained the use of the go/no-go gauges.
Contact union manufacturers for a listing of golno-go gauge suppliers or refer to IADC Alert 99-33 for further information.
5.4 Inspection and Marking
Hammer union components should be regularty inspected and maintained based on manufacturer’s recommendations and experlenoe by the user. Union components that do not meet the manufacturer’s mmimum service recommendations shall be immediatety removed from service In addition to the manufacturer’s recommendations, this inspection process should Kdude gauging of 2-inch female hammer union components to determine the figure number, and marking these 2-inch female unions with the 2-inch Figure 402. Figure 602, Figure 1002, or FIgure 1502 designatIon, thus allowing for ready identification. If a 2-inch female hammer union component is not marked, allowing ready and easy identification of the component, it should not be used until a golno-go gauge is first used to identify the size and figure of the component and the correct identification is marked on the component
Marking shoiAd be accomplished by either stamping or banding, but should be easy to read when walking-the-lines. Marking applies especially to plugs and instrument fittings or other pressure-retaining equipment with hammer union connections. Marking should be the pimary means of identification. Competent personnel should carry out the inspection and maintenance procedures.
An inspection schedule should be developed and implemented based on experience, the manufacturer’s recommendations and other factors Includlig environment, regulatory requirements, operating time, testing, and repairs. Rejected hammer union components shall be marked to fldicate their rejected status and removed from service.
NOTE Specific manufacturer’s recommendations are not covered ii this document; consult the manufacturers direcity for these details,
5.5 Training
Users should train their field personnel, Including supervisors, on the hazards of mismatched hammer union components and ensure this information is included in the training matrix for their field personnel. This tranng should cover recognition of the different hammer union figure types, recognition of union component markings, understanding what components are appropriate for what service, and use of the go/nogo gauge. Tranng should also Include recognizing 2-Inch Figure 402. Figure 602 and Figure 1002 female unions newly manufactured according to the engineering design solution described in Section 4. In addition, Health, Safety and Environmental (HSE) orientations for new/transferred staff shotid include a list of potentially fatal hazards, mcluding mismatched hammer union components.

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