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API RP 10B-3:2004(R2015) pdf download

API RP 10B-3:2004(R2015) pdf download.Recommended Practice on Testing of Deepwater Well Cement Formulations.
6.4 Non-destructive sonic testing
6.4.1 Apparatus for non-destructive testing
CAUTION — Care should be exercised to ensure that excess condensation caused by chilling the test apparatus does not cause electrical or other damage, which may create safety hazards.
The apparatus transmits a sonic signal through the cement, which can be correlated to cement properties such as the time and extent of strength development. In order to simulate conditions common to deepwater cementing, the apparatus shall possess sufficient cooling capacity to perform strength testing at temperatures anticipated in the wellbore.
Excessive free fluid can impair the accuracy of the non-destructive sonic test. Free fluid in a slurry can inhibit contact with the top cell cover and affect the sonic signal being transmitted through the cement. Free fluid is determined according to the method provided in Clause 9. The test initiation temperature of the slurry should reflect as closely as possible (tie temperature conditions found during the field mixing operation. Curing cell. In which the slurry temperature and pressure can be controlled according to the appropriate schedule.
A pressure vessel suitable for curing samples at a test temperature anticipated on the well and capable of maintaining pressure shall be used. As pressure is known to have an effect on strength development, the pressure appropriate for the placement conditions should be used for testing. Do not exceed the pressure limitations of the apparatus. Temperature-measuring system, in accordance with 8.2.1 of ISO 10426-2:2003. Sonic signal-measuring system, in accordance with 8.2.2 of ISO 10426-2:2003.
6.4.2 Procedure
Operate the apparatus according to the manufacturer’s instructions. To better simulate the temperature profile found in a deepwater well, ramp the curing cell temperature from surface mixing temperature to the desired test temperature according to a specific schedule determined by thermal simulation. Alternatively, chill the curing cell to the desired test temperature or below, before the slurry is placed Into the curing cell. The slurry may also be conditioned in accordance with 6.4.3 or 6.4.4.
The test period begins with the recording of sonic data and the application of pressure and continues until the test is terminated. Begin recording the sonic data within 5 mm after the application of pressure. The pressure ramp should simulate the pressure conditions to which the cement shall be exposed during placement.
6.4.3 Conditioning of consistometer for atmospheric pressure testing
After the slurry has been prepared, place it into an atmospheric consistometer slurry container that has been chilled to the desired test temperature. At user discretion, the temperature of the slurry container and/or the cooling fluid within the atmospheric consistorneter may be lower than the bottomhole test temperature in order to promote a more rapid cool-down. Place the cup into a chilled atmospheric consistometer and condition for 20 mm. After 20 mm. verify the temperature, remove the paddle from the cup and stir the slurry briskly with a spatula to ensure a uniform slurry. lithe cement slurry has not reached the desired test temperature, continue conditioning until the desired test temperature has been reached. It is permissible for the sample to be further conditioned for a period of time to simulate placement of the slurry into the well. Note the actual time to reach the desired test temperature and time of further conditioning.
6.4.4 Conditioning of pressurized consistometer
After the slurry has been prepared, place it into a pressurized consistorneter slurry container that has been chilled to the desired test temperature. At user discretion, the temperature of the slurry container and/or the oil within the pressurized consistorneter may be lower than the bottomhole test temperature In order to promote a more rapid cool-down. Place the slurry container in the pressurized consistometer and ramp the sample to the
desired test temperature and pressure. Once the desired test temperature and pressure is reached, it is permissible for the sample to be further conditioned for a period of time to simulate placement of the slurry in the well. Before transferring the sample to the non-destructive apparatus, blot any oil that may have invaded the pressurized consistometer slurry container during the conditioning period. Note the actual time to reach the desired test temperature and pressure and time of further conditioning.

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