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API RP 11BR:2008(R2015) pdf download

API RP 11BR:2008(R2015) pdf download.Recommended Practice for the Care and Handling of Sucker Rods.
6.3 General Recommendations, Power Tongs
The use of a hydrauhc power tong is recommended to assure best makeup results for all sizes of sucker rods. However, it is imperative the power tongs be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. It is recommended the hy&aulic power oil system be circulated until a normal operating temperature is reached and that this temperature be maintained within a reasonable level through calibration and installation of rods.
6.4 Calibration of Power Tongs
6.4.1 General
Power tongs must be calibrated to produce recommended circumferential displacement makeup values shown by Table 4. After initial calibration, it is recommended the power tong calibration be checked each 1000 ft (300 m) and be calibrated for each change in rod sizes.
There are three different methods employed in calibrating power tongs for various API Grade rods and field conditions. It is imperative to select the recommended method to suit your field conditions.
6.4.2 Calibration Process for Power Tongs for New API Grade D Rods
The following process should be used for calibration of power tongs for new API Grade D rods.
a) Check condition outlined under 6.1.
b) Set the tongs operating pressure on the low side of the estimated value required to produce prescribed
circumferential displacement value shown by Table 4.
C) Screw the first pint together hand-tight; scribe a fine vertical line across the pin and coupling shoulder to establish hand-tight reference as shown by Figure 2.
d) Loosen coupling to the normal running position then make up the jornt with power tong operating with the tong throttle depressed to the fully open position. Do not hit the throttle a second time after pint shoulder and tongs have stalled.
e) Remove the tongs and measure the circumferential displacement between the scribed hand-tight vertical line as shown by Figure 3.
1) Increase or decrease the tong operating pressure to achieve the selected prescribed circumferential displacement as shown by Table 4.
g) Repeat Seps d) through I) until proper displacement is achieved. Check the calibration of tongs a minimum of four joints and for each 1000 ft thereafter, and at each change in rod sizes.
6.4.3 CalibratIon Process for Power Tongs for API Grade C and Grade K Rods
The following process should be used for calibration of power tongs for API Grade C and Grade K rods.
a) For the initial run of API Grade C and Grade K rods, a constant correction factor cannot be recommended because of inherent variables involved. Therefore, it is imperative to make up and break the connection prior to calibration and power tongs if proper preload is to be assured.
b) Once the joint is made up and broken follow the same procedure as outlined in 6.4.2, Steps a) through g). using the appropriate circumferential displacement values in Table 4. Column 3.
The use of rod wrenches is not recommended for rod sizes larger than 3/4 In. Application of rod wrenches to achieve the desired preload is as follows.
6.5.2 Manual Makeup of New API Grade D Rod Strings
The following process should be used for manual makeup of new API Grade D rod strings:
a) screw rod and coupling to a shouldered hand-tight position;
b) scribe a fine vertical line across the pin and coupling to establish a hand-tight reference as shown by Figure 2; C) apply necessary mechanical force to achieve recommended displacement values as shown in Table 4. Column 2.
6.5.3 Mechanical Makeup of API Grade C and Grade K Rods
The following process should be used for mechanical makeup of API Grade C and Grade K rods:
a) apply mechanical force and make up joint once. Loosen and retighten to hand-tight position;
b) scribe a fine vertical line across the pin and coupling shoulder to establish a hand-tight reference as shown by Figure 2;
C) apply necessary mechanical force to achieve recommended displacement values as shown in Table 4. Column 3.
6.5.4 Mechanical Makeup of Used Rods and New Couplings
The following process should be used for mechanical makeup of use rods and new couplings:
a) bring coupling and rod pin to a hand-tight position;
b) scribe a fine vertical line across the pin and coupling shoulder to establish a hand-hght reference as shown by Figure 2.

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