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API RP 1110:2007 pdf download

API RP 1110:2007 pdf download.Pressure Testing of Steel Pipelines for the Transportation of Gas,
Petroleum Gas, Hazardous Liquids,Highly Volatile Liquids or Carbon Dioxide.
5.1.3 Safety
The operator should consider the following safety items when planning and conducting the pressure test:
a. Outlinc safety precautions and provide procedures for personnel who perform the test (hot work permits, confined space entry, personal protective equipment. lock-out tag-out procedures. etc.).
b. Conduct hazard assessment and safety meetings.
c. Require that all personnel conducting a hydrostatic test comply with all local, state, and federal environmental and safety standards as a minimum.
d. Identify precautions and procedures to minimize risk to the public and the environment, especially when a test medium other than water is In be used and during the removal of the test medium.
e. Consider measures necessary to restrain temporary piping and hoses used during filling of the line with the lest medium, during the pressure test and during the removal of the test medium.
f. Consider additional measures to respond to possible test failures.
5.1.4 Communications
The operator should consider the following communication items:
a. A written site-specific test procedure with all pertinent details associated with the project should be developed as part of the pressure test planning process. The written plan should be distributed to appropriate company personnel, contractors, and others directly involved with the test for review and comment during the early stages of the planning process.
b. Prior to the test, the operator should notify the proper authorities, governmental agencies, potential emergency response personnel and landowners along the right-of-way.
c. Prior to the test, the operator should secure applicable permits.
d. The operator should clearly outline the roles of the various personnel involved in the pressure testing process. This includes the following:
i. Operating personnel.
ii. Contractor andor maintenance personnel.
iii. Person(s) responsible for certifying the results of the pressure test.
5.1.5 Pipeline Operating Conditions
Th operator should consider the following pipeline operating conditions:
a. The current and future maximum steady-state hydraulic grade line for pipelines transporting hazardous liquids or carbon dioxide.
b The maximum pressure profile during surges for pipelines transporting hazardous liquids or carbon dioxide.
c. Lowest and highest required operating pressure limit within the test section.
d. The length of time the test section can remain out-of-service during the testing period.
5.1.6 Types of Pressure Tests
There are three basic types of pressure tests. They may be performed separately or in combination in order to determine the integrity of a pipeline ancLor to meet applicable company, regulatory or code requirements. The three types of pressure tests differ by their respective purposes and test pressure ratios. The operator should determine the appropriate test(s) based on the purpose of the test. A brief description of each type of pressure test is as follows: Spike Test: A spike lest is used to verify the structural integrity of pipelines with time dependent anomalies. For spike tests, the test pressure ratio is typically greater than 1.25. Spike test durations are typically longer than 5 minutes but shorter than 1 hour in order to minimize the sub-critical enlargement of anomalies that are too small to fail during the test.
5.1.8 Historical Engineering and Operations Documentation
Prior to conducting the pressure lest, the following engineering and operations documents should be reviewed to make sure that the pressure test is appropriate and feasible:
a. Previous hydrostatic test reports.
b. Previous in-sen icc or out-of-service pipc failures.
c. The results of past in-line inspection (ILl) surveys. IPrior ILl results can be useful to dctcrminc if existing flaws need to be
examined prior to the lest. The reason for requesting recent ILl results prior to the pressure test is to ensure that all other potential
anomaly types (i.e., corrosion, gouges. dents, etc.) have been discovered and investigated. I
d. Mill test reports for piping and fittings.
c. Past cathodic protection surveys.
f. Previous maintenance and inspection records.
5.1.9 Pipeline Characteristics
The following pipeline characteristics should be established when designing the pressure lest:
a. Test section boundaries and segmenting of the pipcline
b. Location of appurtenances within the test section (valves, flange sets, taps. stopples, sleeves, patches, etc.).
c. Location of isolation points (valves) within the test section bowxlaries.
d. Timing of the test (time of day andior year).
e. Location of the pressure and temperature sensing device(s) within the lest section.
f. Test medium injection location.
g. Test medium disposal location.

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