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API RP 2009:2002 pdf download

API RP 2009:2002 pdf download.Safe Welding, Cutting, and HotWork Practices in the Petroleum and Petrochemical lndustries.
Many of the hazards present in the normal workpLace exist in die welding ensimninent. Normal toe of workplace PPE and precautions against slitYthp’fadl hazards are the same, and are in atklressed here. Similarly. if work Lx done at heights. the facility (or organization) fall protection procedures and equipnn should he used. Are welding requires electric power. and work in confined spaces needs lighting. Suitable electrical work practices should be followed for whatever electrical equipment is in use, especially in wet or moist conditions (including perspir4ion where there is potential for contact with metal parts winch are “electrically hot”lsee 5.11).
In the welding etisirunment. c’.pecially in confined spaces. the work area is often congested because of the number of cables, hoses and lines rcquired While normal procedures are applicable. it is good to review the placement of equipment to reduce exposure to tripping hazards.
Because hot work and welding are heat’generating processes. there should be care to use appnpnate pnitt’cti”e clothing to avoid thermal hums. Injuries have occurred due to sparks or hot metal falling into pockets, folds of rolled up sleeves, pants-cuffs or work hoots. Frayed clothing is more easily ignited.
Eye and face injuries can be caused by flying particles. molten metal, liquid chemicals, acids or caustic liquids, or chemical gasses or vapors. Safe work practices should protect persons against falling sparks, chips and slag when working below welding being dune at elevation.
Acute health hazards affect people during or shortly after exposure. The effects may be tnolsicnt or lunger lasting. Typically these short-term exposure effects are reversible when removed from exposure. Examples are irritation of the eyes or respiratory system caused by inhalation exposure over a short time to vapors, gases or front welding fumes. Although bansient, these effects are undesirable and should he avoided.
other nsaterials used or stored in the hot work environment may represent acute hazards (such as hydrogen sulfide, chlorine or ammonia) which could he released and reach personnel. Even without this potential. the welding operation itself can create acute health hazards Arc flash ultraviolet radiation) can cause eye imtation or hums. Fumes from vaporized zinc such as created while welding galvanized steel) can cause “metal fume fever.” Vsiirk in hot environmenis can cause heat stress, and oxygen deliciency from any source can have acute effects.
Chronic health hazards require repcatcd or exicn&d exposure and may not e%iLk’nce elTects for a lung time after exposure. Materials for which such exposures are of interest when welding are discuxscd in the following sections, The risk axsociated with welding fumes relates to inhalation exposure. Since welding fumes must be inhaled to constitute a risk the emphasis on monitoring. sentilation and respiratory protection become key factors in risk reduction.
Noise can be expected in the welding work ens inmmcnt (sec 5.12). As in the non-welding work environment, good practice and regulatory requiremeins dictate precautionary attention to noise exposure and hearing protection.
Some studtes have related cataracts to chronic exposure to IJV radiation. This possible cited reinforces the wisdLwn of using proper welder’s eye protection.
5.4.1 Welding Fume
The hazard associated with welding fumes insolses the toxicity of their constituents and their concentration. The composition and quantity of fumes are detennined by
a. The materials being welded, Is. The composition of the electrodes or tiller metals.
c. The process being used.
41 The presence of any coatings or paint’. (coatings should he removed for at least 4 in. from the area of heat application).
c. The druumstances of use (open environment or confined).

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