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API RP:2001 pdf download

API RP:2001 pdf download.Fire Protection in Refineries.
If the utility is required only when the equipment Is out of service, such as for flushing, purng. or regeneration of catalyst, the utility connections should be blinded or disconnected. Should the utility be provided for intermittent or emergency use, double block valves with open bleeders and a check valve should be installed. AJI utility connections should be adequately identified. Check valves should be used at multiservice utility “hose station” headers.
Plant air systems have experienced fires from the accumulation & lube oil, Air systems should be designed to permit periodic cleaning to remove accumulated lube oil. The use of fire-resistant lubricants in air compressor crankcases should be considered. In new designs it may be possible to use oil-free compressors. Proper design and maintenance can eliminate excessive discharge temperatures caused by the air compressor and by fouling of the air coding system. Instrument and plant air systems might become contaminated with hydrocarbon if the compressor air intakes are located too close to potential sources of hydrocarbon releases; the location of air intakes can be addressed In process safety rev*ws.
If fuel gas is burned in fired heaters, suitable knockout facilities (and line heat tracing where climate dictates) should be provided to prevent the carryover of liquid condensate Into bumers. Fuel line block valves should be located at a sufficient distance from fired heaters to permit remote shutdown in case of fire without personnel exposure. Two options are:
— install manually operated valves sufficiently far from the fumace to allow sate operation, or
— install fire safe remotely operable valves with the actuation point outside the fire hazardous area for the furnace. Loading Racks
Historically, a leading cause of loading rack fires has been overfilling. Procedures, training, and flow control equipment provide the first line of defenseS In the event of a spill, drainage (with traps) to carry away and contain spills can reduce the probab’dity of a fire. In the event of a fire, an inportant aspect of controlling loadmg rack fires is to stop product flow to the rack. Because valves at the loading manifold may be inaccessible under certain fire conditions, there should be facilities that can block off the product lines to the rack from a remote location. These facilities may include remote pump shutdown: remotely operated block valves in the product lines: block valves in the lines at a short distance from the rack that can be readily reached by the operator and alarms or other communications that can notify other personnel to expeditiously block out the rack. API 2610 provides information for both truck and rail loading facilities. Guidance for rail facilities is provided in MR Pamphlet 34. Loading racks are oflen equipped with foam or dry chemical fixed extinguishing systems.
In addition, static electricity may be an ignition source when materials are loaded at temperatures above their flash points or when “switch loading” occurs. Normal precautions include electrical bonding to facilitate relaxation of static charges, procedural control of fill rates and techniques (such as avoiding splash filling, bottom loading, and continuity of fill lines), and review of facilities (such as filtration) to minimize static charge buildup Refer to API 2003 for a discussion of static electricity phenomena. Storage Tanks
Design and management of storage tank facdities has been addressed by API and other industry bodies in a number of standards, Detailed information on mechanical design, fabrication, and nondestructive examination of storage tanks, and on protective systems can be found in API 620 and API 650. API 2610 discusses design and operation of tank facilities.
Along with environmental concerns, a major consideration in the design of storage tank installations is reducing fire risk. Risk reduction methods include: storing volatile materials in floating roof or inert gas blanketed tanks, control and containment of spills (NFPA 30 or junsdiction fire codes) and protecting against overfill (API 2350); maintenance of tank integrity (API 653); proper arrangement and spacing of tanks (NFPA 30); and providing fire control and extinguishment equipment and systems (API 2021).

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