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API RP 74:2001(2013) pdf download

API RP 74:2001(2013) pdf download.Recommended Practice for Occupational Safety for Onshore Oiland Gas Production Operation.
4.3.1 General
Employers should assess their work sites to evaluate the types of hazards present at thcir onshore oil and gas production operations. When it is impractical to reduce a hazard to acceptable levels by administrative or engineering controls. personal protective equipment appropriate for the hazard shall be selected for use.
Personal protective equipment for hearing, eyes. face, head. extremities, protective clothing, respiratory protection and fill protection shall he considered for use to protect personnel.
4.3.2 Wearing Apparel When identified as part of the employer’s PPF assessment, a safety hard hat shall be worn by each person in the work area. The safety hard hat shall meet the requirements of ANSI Zl9. I Safely Requireinenr.c for Industrial Head Protection: or ANSI Z89.2 Safety Requirements for Industrial Protective Heln,ers for Electrical Workers, Class B. Eye protection equipment appropriate for the work being done shall he worn by personnel where there is a reasonable probability of injury to the eyes from flying objects, chemicals, or injurious light or heat that can be prevented by such equipment. This protective equipment shall meet the requirements of ANSI Z87. 1 Practice for Occupational and Educational Eve and Face Protection, When identified as part of the employer’s PPE assessment, safety shoes, safety boots, or toe guards shall he worn. Safety-toe footwear shall meet the requirements of ANSI Z4l.l Men c Safety-Toe Footwea, The employer’s PPE assessment should include possible chemical exposures that may necessitate the use of gloves, aprons. boots, or other protective equipment. as appropriate. The assessment should also evaluate the need for gloves or other protective clothing to provide protection from temperature extremes or sharp objects. Appropriate clothing should be worn at all times. Loose or poorly fitted clothing should not be worn. Personnel should not work in clothing that is saturated with any flammable, haiardous. or irritating substance(s). Such clothing should be immediately removed and replaced with suitable clothing after the affected skin area has been thoroughly washed and, if necessary. treated. Personnel should not wear jewelry or other adornments subject to snagging or hanging and causing injury while in the Work area. Personnel with hair of such length as to be a hazard in work areas should keep it contained in a suitable manner while pertbnning their duties. Hair and heard styles shall not interfere with the effective functioning of head. eye. face. or respiratory protective equipment. if such equipment IS required at the work site. Personnel working oer or near water where a danger of drowning exists shall be provided with approved personal flotation devices in serviceable condition.
4.3.3 Hearing Protection Protection against the elects of noise cxposure shall be provided when the sound levels exceed those shown in Table I. For guidance on measuring sound levels. see ANSI SI 2.19-1996 When personnel are subjected to sound levels exceeding those listed in Table I. feasible administrative or engineering controls should he utilized. If such controls fail to reduce sound levels within the levels of Table 1. personal protective equipment shall be provided and used to reduce sound levels within the levels of the table. For guidance on hearing protection equipment. see ANSI SI 2.6-1997 Methods for Measuring the Real-Ear Attenuation of Hearing Pn,tectors.

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