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API SPEC 2Y:2006 pdf download

API SPEC 2Y:2006 pdf download.Specification for Steel Plates,Quenched-and-Tempered, for Offshore Structures.
S8 Strain-Aged Charpy V-Notch Impact Tests
58.1 Charpy V-notch impact test coupons representing the thickest and thinnest plate of each heat shall be uniformly strained 5%. or more if specified, in axial tension and aged at 480’F (250°C) for one hour at temperature prior to cutting the test specimens. The test results shall meet the requirements of Section 7.
S9 Simulations of Postweld Heat Treatment
S9.1 A second set of test COUOfl% shall be subjected to a simulated postweld heat treatment provided by the purchaser that is representative of the thermal treatment to which the material will he subjected during fabrication. The temperature range, time at temperature, and cooling rates shall be as specified on the order.
SlO Hardness Testing
Si 0.1 Ibis Supplementary Requiremem covers the procedtire and acceptance standards tor surface hardness testing of steel plates furnished under this specification.
Si0.2 The hardness Lest shall be made by the Bnnell hardness method as described in ASTM E 10 using a 3000 kg load. By agreement, other hardness test methods may be used and their measurement convened to Brinell values. The hardness measurement shall be made on both top and bottom surfaces of specimens removed from one corner at each end of the plate as produced. The mill suthice and any decarburized layer shall be removed prior to testing. Not less than four hardness measuremelns shall be made on each plate, all of which must lie within the acceptance limits shown below. If any individual measurement is outside the acceptance limits shown below, two additional measurements may be performed adjacent to the original impression. Both of the new measurements must comply with the acceptance limit in order to invalidate the original measurement.
S10.3 The acceptance limits shall be as follows:
Grade 50 131 -207 HBN
Grade 60 By agreement
Si 1 Preproduction Qualification
Si 1.1 This Supplementary Requirement provides for prequalification by special welding and mechanical testing of a specific chemical composition range, in combination with specific steelmaking and rolling procedures. from a specific producer. The purpose of this Supplementary Rcquiremcnt is to minimize the amount of time and testing necessary to prepare and certify welding procedures at the fabrication yard.
Si 1.2 The specific testing required shall be that contained in Sections 3 or 4 or both of API RP 2Z. as specified on the purchase order. Prior qualification by a material manufacturer may be accepted for fulfillment of this Supplementary Requirement if documentation acceptable to the purchaser is provided.
A significant change in chemical composition or processing shall require either a separate full qualification (for major change)or an abbreviated re-qualification (for minor change) as described in Section 5 of API RP 2Z.
Si 1.3 Crack tip opening displacement (CTOD) testing of weld heat affected zone shall be performed in accordance with Section 3 of API RP 2Z, which provides for testing over the following range of conditions:
Heat input: 0.8 to 4i U/mm (20 to 114 U/in.)
Preheat: 100° to 250°C (212 to 480°F)
Required CTOD for Grade 50:
plates 3 in. (75 mm) and under in thickness:
0.25 mm at —10°C (0.010 in. at 14°F) plates over 3 in. (75 mm) in thickness:
0.38 mm at —10°C (0.015 in. at 14°F)
S12 Notch Toughness Using Drop-Weight Testing
Si 2.1 Drop-Weight tests shall be conducted. One plate per SE) ton lot or part thereof of the plates in each heat inch (16 mm) or more in thickness shall be tested. The plate tested shall be the thickest gage in each 50 ton (451) lot.
S12.2 Drop-Weight tests shall be in accordance with ASTM E 208 on two P.3 specimens from the selected plate(s). The specimens shall be taken adjacent to the tensile lest coupons and tested at —3OF (—35°C). Both specimens shall meet the “no break” criteria at the test temperature. and the results shall be reported.
S12.3 If one specimen fails (“Breaks”) on any plate tested. retests may be made as follows:
a. Retest two additional specimens from each plate for which a specimen failed. Each of these two retest specimens illust pass (“No Break”).
b. If any of the specimens fail upon retest the heat shall not he accepted without reheat treatment and repeating the tensile. Charpy V-notch impact, and drop weight tests.

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