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API Spec 12J:2009 pdf download

API Spec 12J:2009 pdf download.Specification for Oil and Gas Separators.
7.3 Inspection by Purchaser
While work on the contract of the purchaser is being performed, the inspector representing the purchaser shall have free entry at all times to all parts of the manufacturers works whicti concern the manufacture of the material ordered. The manufacturer shall afford. without charge, all reasonable facilities to satisfy the inspector that the material is bemg manufactured in accordance with this specification All inspections shall be made at the place of manufacture prior to shipment unless otherwise specified on the purchase order, and shall be so conducted as not to interfere unnecessanly with the manufacturer’s operabons.
7.4 Rejection
Material which shows injurious defects on initial inspection or subsequent to acceptance at manufacturer’s works, or which proves defective when properly applied in service. may be rejected, and the manufacturer so notified. If tests that requwe the destruction of material are made at other than the place of manufacture, the purchaser shall pay for material complying with all of the provisions of this specification, but shall not pay for any material which fails to meet the spedflcabons.
7.5 Compliance
The manufacturer shall be responsible for complying with all the provisions of this specification. The purchaser may make any investigation necessary to be assured of compliance by the manufacturer and may reject any malerial that does not comply with this specification
A.1 General
This annex provdes a general discussion of the functional requirements of oil and gas separators and their controls as used in this specification.
A.2 Separator Components
The function of a separator is to provide removal of free gas from oil and/or water at a specific pressure and temperature. For efficient and stable operation over a wide range of conditions, a gas-liquid separator normally has the following features.
A.2.1 Primary Separation Section
This specification is for removing the bulk of the liquid in the inlet stream. Liquid slugs and large liquid particles are removed first to manimze gas turbulence and re-entrapment of liquid particles In preparation for the second step 01 separation. To do this, It is usually necessary to absorb the momentum and change the direction of flow by some form of inlet baffling.
A.2.2 Secondary Separation Section
The major separation pnnciple in this section is gravity settling of liquid from the gas stream after its velocity has been reduced. The efficiency of this section depends on the gas and liquid properties, particle size and degree of gas turbulence. Some designs use internal baffling to reduce turbulence and to dissipate foam. The baffles may also act as droplet collectors.
A.2.3 Liquid Accumulator Section
The liquid(s) Is (are) collected in this section. The liquid should have a minimum of disturbance from the flowing gas stream. Sufficient capacity is necessary to allow for surges and to provide the retention time necessary for efficient separation of gas breaking out of solution and separation of free water from oil in three-phase separators. A vortex breaker may be located over the liquid outlet nozzle(s) to prevent gas or oil entrapment with the bottom liquid.
A2.4 Mist Extraction Section
The mist extractor of the coalescing section can be one of several designs (a series of vanes, woven wire mesh pad or a centrifugal device). The mist extractor removes from the gas stream the small droplets (normally down to 10 micron diameter) of liquid before the gas leaves the vessel. Liquid carryover is normally less than 0.1 gallon per
A.2.5 Process Controls
The operating pressure may be controlled by a weight loaded, spnng loaded, or pdot operated gas back pressure valve. Where the gas is being delivered to a pipeline, the minimum separator pressure is usually set by the transmission or gathering system pressure. Separators should be equipped with one or more liquid level controls. Usually a liquid level control for the liquid accumulation section of two-phase separators activates a liquid dump valve to maintain the required liquid level. Two liquid level control systems are normally used for three-phase separators. Internal weirs and baffles are used in conjunction with those liquid level controls. Separators are equipped with gauge.

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