Home>API standards>API IP Spec 1581:2002 pdf download

API IP Spec 1581:2002 pdf download

Threaded mounting adapters shall be securely mounted to prevent rotation when elements arc removed. The adapters shall be dcsigncd to withstand at least 150% of the recommended assembly torque without permanent distortion. cracking. or failure.
3.2.4 tandatory filter/separator accessories
12.4.! General
The accessories described in Sections through shall be provided on all units. Equipment/or ,ncaNuring difjercntialprcssur..’ The condition and remaining life of filter elements are assessed by measuring and tracking the differential pressure at rated flow. A gauge that gives a direct reading of the differential pressure across the filter/separator elements shall be installed. It is required for new installations (and recommended for existing installations) that the gauge have a suitable three-way valve on its downstream side, arranged so that when the valve is turned to the “oft” position. the gauge is vented. If required by the purchaser to aid in calibrating the gauge. quick-disconnect couplers shall be provided to facilitate attaching a master gauge. When vessels are equipped with a monitor or fuse stage then differential pressure gauges (or sensors) shall be installed across the filter/coalescers and also across the separators and monitor stages. Each gauge shall have a suitable three-way valve on its downstream side, arranged so that when the valve is turned to the “off’ position. the gauge is vented. If required by the purchaser to aid in calibrating the gauge. quick-disconnect couplers shall be provided to facilitate attaching a master gauge. Air eliminator
Each filter/separator vessel shall be fitted with a means of automatically venting trapped air from the top of the vessel. If associated piping could permit the vessel to drain and air to enter through the air eliminator, a soft-seated non-return (check) valve with an opening pressure of 6,95 kPa (1 psi) shall be installed to prevent the vessel from draining. Precxure relwf valve
Each filter/separator shall be fitted with a pressure relief valve to ensure that the design working pressure of the vcsscl is never exceeded. Water de/ence system
Filtcr/scparator systems used to refuel aircraft shall be equipped with onc of the following water defence systems unless the purchaser agrees to eliminate it:
A water-slug shutotTdcvice as described in Section, or
A sump water-level alarm as described in Section or
A water-absorbing/flow-restricting multi-stage device meeting Section 4.4,5,6.2.
Note: The implementation of monitoring procedures to assess the contents of the filter sump after aircraft fuelling is accepted by the industry as an alternative to the above hardware-based water defence systems.
3.2.5 Optional Alter/separator accessories General
The accessories described in Sections through are optional. Water-slug shutoff device
A water-slug shutoff device is a sensor or float that. automatically. causes the fuel pump to be shut oil or a valve downstream of the filter/separator to be closed when water fills the sump of the filterseparator vessel. This device shall be equipped with an external mechanism for testing. If a float control is used, it should be the “ballast’ or spring-loaded type, which tests the buoyancy of the float when the external test mechanism is activated. Sump water-level alarm
A sump water-level alarm is a device that notifies the operator when water fills the sump of the filterseparator vessel. This device shall be equipped with an external mechanism for testing. Sump heaters
In very cold areas, accumulated water can freeze, and clog sumps and drains. Electric jackets or immersion heaters can be provided to remedy this problem.

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