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API RP 14E:2007 pdf download

API RP 14E:2007 pdf download.Recommended Practice forDesign and Installation of Offshore Production Platform Piping Systems.
3.1 General. Ball. gate. plug. butterflv. globe. dia-phraem. needle. and check valves have ali been used inlatform oroduetion facilities.Brief discussions of theadvantaoes. disadvantages and desion features for eachtvne of valve are oivn heiow. Raeed on these onsidera-tione. sneaific suooestione for the annlication of certaintvnes of vaives are oiven in the fofowinr naraoraphs.alve manufacturers and fioure numhers.aocentable to nartioular oneretino omnanv .re mormallv riven bvuoluo tumeardeioinpi’Valves anittinosehia(oo“nnondiv cWenover moccihle severaldiffewnt aotahio valveg shuld ha listed in the Pine.ValueeendittinoeTehlae tn nravide hoice’ofvalve manufacturers.vave cataloos contain design fea-tures, materials. drawings and photographs of the var-ious valve types.’
a. As a general guideline,lever _ operatedball
valves and plug valves should be providedwith manual gear operators as follows:
ANSI 150 lb through 400 1b ……10 inch and largerANSI 600 lb and 900 1b……………. 6 inch and largerANSI 1500 1b and higher ………..4 inch and largerb. As a generalguideline the following valves
should be equipped with power operators:
(1) All shutdown valves.
(2)Centrifugal compressor inlet and discharge
valves.These valves should close automa-tically on shutdown of the prime mover.
(3) Divert,blowdown andotherautomatic valves.
(4) Valves of the following sizes,when frequently operated:
ANSI 150 lb 16 inch and larger
ANSI 300 lb and 400 lb …..12 inch and largerANSI 600 lb and 900 lb …..10 inch and largerANSI 1500 1b and higher….8 inch and larger
3.2 Types of Valves.
a.Ball Valves.Ball valves are suitable for most
manual on-off hydrocarbon or utilities servicewhen operating temperatures arebetween-20°Fand 180F.Application of ball valyesabove 180°Fshould be carefully considered dueto the temperature limitations of the soft seal-ing material.
b. Gate_ Valves.Gate valves are suitable for most
on-off,non-vibrating hydrocarbon or utilitiesservice for all temperature ranges. In vibratin&service,gate valves may move open or closedfrom their normal positions unless the stempacking is carefully adjusted.Gate valves havebetter torque characteristics than bal orouovalves but do not have the easy operability ofquarter turn action.
() In sizes 2 inch and larger,manually oper-
ated gate valves should be equipped withflexible discs or expanding gates.
(2)Gate valves with unprotected rising stems
are not recommended since the marine en-vironment can corrode exposed stems andthreads, making the valves hard to operateand damaging stem packing.
(3)Reverse-acting slab gate valves are suit-
able for automatic shutdown serviceWiththese valves, simple push-pulloperatorscan be used, thus avoiding the complioatedlevers and cams normally reouired withball or plug valves. Al moving parts ongate valves with power operators can beenclosed, eliminating fouling by paint orcorrosion products.
)Gate valves should not be used for throt-tling service.Throttling. especialiv witfuids containing sand, candamage the sea1-ing surfaces.
c. Plug Valves.Plug valves are suitable for the
same applications as balvalves (see Section3.2.a).and are also subiect to similar temoera-ture 1imitations.Puo valueg are eilah1owit.auarter turn action in either lubricated or non-
uhrionted dasiome” I.nhintad uelu matbe ubricated on a reoular schedule to maintain
satisfactorv seal and ease of oneration. Fre.uenc of lubrication reauired denende on toneof service.The luhrintion fentnre doos noiaa remedial means for freeino stnok values.Tthe non-lubricated desion. the 8eaiis aceom-lished bv Teflon nulonor .ther goft” materini.Thev do not reauire freauent maintenanoe hubrication but may be more difficult to free afterorolonged setting in one position. The applica-tion circumstance will generally dictate a selec-tion preference based on these characteristics.

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