Home>API standards>API SPEC 11AX:2006 pdf download

API SPEC 11AX:2006 pdf download

API SPEC 11AX:2006 pdf download.Specification for Subsurface Sucker Rod Pumps and Fittings.
Verification shall consist of assuring that design conforms to requirements of this specitIcation.
Documentation shall be reviewed and verified by a qualified individual(s) other than the individual(s who developed the original design. if such additional qualified individual(s) are employed by the manufacturer.
Changes shall he identified, documented, reviewed, and approved by authorized personnel.
5 Pump Assemblies
5.1 Sucker md pump assemblies shall be ftjrnished as per the line-ups in this section using component pans defined in Section 6.
5.2 Metal plunger pumps are equipped with the tollowing basic components from Section 6.
a. Valve rod or pull tube (insert pump only).
b. One piece or assembled metal plungers of basic dianicter. less clearance.
c. Valves,
d. Heavy-wall or thin-wall barrels.
e. Seating a’..semhlies.
I. Cup type assemblies with ‘plus 30” cups 10.030 in. (0.76 mm) larger than It) of seating nipplel for rod pumps. and “plus
10” cups 10.010 in. (0.25 mm) larger than ID of seating nipplel for tubing pumps. The letter “c’ is to be used in the pump designation. as described in Section 3.
2. Mechanical seating assemblies may be furnished when so specified. in which case the letter “M” is used in the pump designation in lieu of the letter “C”. See part numbers S21 and S22 for details of the mechanical seating assemblies.
5.3 The design and construction of packing for soft-packed plungers has not been standardized. Specify size, type, and number of packing elements, according to the manufacturer’s catalog.
5.4 Pump assemblies as described in this section shall be assembled and functionally tested per Section 7.
5.5 Marking of pump assemblies shall be per Section N. However, when API monogrammed assemblies are specified. marking shall be per Appendix A.

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