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API SPEC 13A:2006 pdf download

API SPEC 13A:2006 pdf download.Specification for Drilling-Fluid Materials.
5.2 Equipment requiring calibration
5.2.1 VolumetrIc glassware
Laboratory volumetric glassware used for final acceptance. induding Le Chatelier flasks, pipettes, and burettes. are usually calibrated by the supplier. Manufacturers of products to this International Standard shall document evidence of glassware calibration prior to use. Supplier certifkation is acceptable. Calibration may be checked gravimetrically. Periodic recalibratlon Is not required.
5.2.2 Laboratory thermometers The manufacturer shall calibrate all laboratory thermometers used in measunng product conformance to standards against a secondary reference thermometer. The secondary reference thermometer shall show evidence of calibration as performed against NIST certified master instruments, In accordance with the procedures outlined by ASTM Efl and NBS (NIST) Monograph 150. Calibration — Thermometers Place thermometer to be calibrated side by side with secondary reference thermometer into a constant- temperature water bath (or suitable container of 4 I or more, filled with water, on a counter in a constant- temperature room) and allow to equilibrate for at least 1 h. Read both thermometers and record readings. Repeat readings throughout at least a 1-h interval to obtain a minimum of four readings.
5.2.2,2.4 Calculate the average and the range of readings for each thermometer. The difference between the readings for each thermometer shall not exceed 0,1 C. or the smallest scale division on the thermometer being calibrated. Calculate average deviation of thermometer reading from secondary reference thermometer reading. Calculate and document correction for each thermometer.
5.2.3 Laboratory balances The manufacturer shall calibrate laboratory balances periodically in the range of use with NIST class P. grade 3, or better weights The manufacturer shall service and adjust balances whenever calibration indicates a problem.
5.2.4 Sieves conforming to ASTN Eli and ASTM E161
Approximate dimensions are 76 mm diameter and 69 mm from top of frame to wire cloth,
5.2.5 Hydrometer
&2.5.1 The manufacturer shall calibrate each hydrometer with the dispersant solution used In the sedimentation procedure. Calibration — Hydrometer Calibrate each hydrometer to be used using the same concentration dispersant solution as is used in the test, at temperatures spanning the anticipated test temperatures, and by reading the top rather than the bottom of the meniscus. Calibrate each hydrometer using the procedure below.
5.3.2 Thermometers
Calibrate each thermometer befora first use by the manufacturer. After calibration, mark each thermometer with an identifying number that ties it to Its corresponding correction chart. Check calibration annually against the secondary reference thermometer.
5.3.3 Laboratory balances
Calibrate each balance prior to first use by the manufacturer. Check calibration at least once per month for six months. then at least once per six months if required measurement capability is being maintained. If not, service and recalibrate, then check at least once per month until required measurement capability is maintained for six months, then once per six months,
5.3.4 Sieves
No calibration of sieves is required. See 5.2.11 for periodic measurement requirements using standard reference
5.3.5 Hydrometer
Calibrate each hydrometer prior to its first use by the manufacturer. After calibration, note and record each hydrometer identifying number that ties it to its correction chait Periodic recalibration is not required.
5.3.6 Motor-drIven direct-indicating viscometers
Calibrate each viscometer prior to its first use by the manufacturer, Chock calibration at least once per week for
three months, then at least once per month if required measurement capability is being maintained.
5.3.7 Mixer
EXAMPLE Multlmixer Model 98 wIth 9B29X impeller blades or equivalent, mounted flash sIde up.
Check and record mixer spindle speed at least once every 90 days to ensure operation within the prescnbed range. using a pliototachometer or similar device. Remove, clean, dry, and weigh each Impeller blade In use at least once every 90 days. Record masses and replace blades wten mass drops below 90 % of its original value.

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