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API STD 607:2005 pdf download

API STD 607:2005 pdf download.Testing of Valves-Fire Type-testing Requirements.
d) valve manufacturers name and address;
e) statement that the fire-tested valve has passed all the required hydrostatic, air type arid production pressure tests required by the standard to which the valve was manufactured (manufacturer’s statement may be accepted);
f) full description of the valve tested, including nominal size, pressure rating designation, type (e.g. gate), weight, whether reduced or full bore, material of body/bonnet, trim material and manufacturer’s reference number;
g) maricings on the valve and their locations, including manufacturer’s nameplate date (if fitted);
h) manufacturer’s sectional drawing of the valve and a detailed parts list, including matenals, of all valve components tested, identified in the text by identification number (drawing number) and revision and date ot issue of documents:
I) statement as to whether or not a gear box is fitted to the test valve and, if fitted, the type, manufacturer’s name, model number and mechanical advantage:
j) test pressure during bum and cool-down;
k) time of test start, i.e. of ignition of burners;
l) temperature recorded at start and at 30 s intervals throughout duration of test, with individual records for each thermocouple:
m) through-seat leakage during bum period (see 6.2);
n) external leakage during bum and cool-down periods (see 6.3):
o) time required for valve to cool to 100 C;
p) through-seat leakage (low pressure test) for valves PN 100 and Class 600 and lower;
q) statement as to whether or not the test valve unseated and moved to the fully open position (see 6.5);
r) external leakage in the open position (see 6.6);
s) whether the valve is asymmetric and intended for bi-directional installation — test results in both directions;
t) observations made during the course of the test that may have bearing on the results provided;
U) declaration as to whether or not the test vMve complied with the requirements of this International Standard;
v) indication on the cover sheet or table of contents of the report of the total number of pages contained In the document (including drawings), with each page being numbered, e.g. 1112. 2)12;
w) name and affiliation of individuals witnessing the fire test;
x) body cavity set reliel pressure and setting.
7 Qualification of other valves by representative size, pressure rating and materials of construction
7.1 General
Instead of testing each nominal size and nominal pressure rating of a given valve design, all valves of the same basic design as the test valve may be deemed to have been fire-tested, subject to the following limitations.
a) The type of valve body ends are not considered by this International Standard. However, the mass of the valve is determined in part by the body end type. For qualification to the present International Standard, and providing that all other qualification cntena have been met, valves with ends different to those of the test valve may also qualify provided that
their mass is greater than that of the test valve, or
their mass is not less than 75 % of that of the test valve,
7.2 MaterIals of construction
7.2.1 For the purposes of product compliance certification or type testing systems, the materials of construction of the pressure retaining envelope of the valve shall be deemed to qualify other materials of construction within the generic classifications below.
— Ferritic
— Duplex
7.2.2 If a range of valves is covered by testing of ferritic test valves then the type-testing coverage may be extended to cover austenitic or duplex materials by carrying out a further test on a mid-range size of valve of the same design in that material.
7.2.3 Other materials of construction of the pressure-retaining envelope of the valve require full testing of representative size and pressure ratings as specified in 7.3 and 7.4.
7.2.4 Ailoy steel bolting (e.g. 87, L7) used as part of the valve’s pressure-retaining envelope may be used to qualify austenitic steel bolting but not vice-versa.
7.2.5 Any change In non-metallic materials with respect to the seat-to-closure member seal, seat-to-body seal, stem seal and body joint and seal require a re-qualification. Filled PTFE. however, may qualify non-filled PTFE and vice-versa.

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