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API STD 1104:2005R2010 pdf download

API STD 1104:2005R2010 pdf download.Welding of Pipelines and Related Facilities.
5.6.2 Tensile-strength Test Preparation
The tensile-strength test specimens (see Figure 4) shall be approximately 9 in. (230 mm) long and approximately I in. (25 mm) wide. They may be machine cut or oxygen cut, and no other preparation is needed unless the sides are notched or are not parallel. If necessary, the specimens shall be machined so that the sides are smooth and parallel. Method
The tensile-sLrengLh test specimens shall be broken under tensile load using equipment capable of measuring the load at which failure occurs. The tensile strength shall be computed by dividing the maximum load at failure by the smallest cross-sectional area of the specimen. as measured before the load is applied. Requirements
The tensile strength of the weld, including the fusion zone of each specimen. shall be greater than or equal to the specilied minimum tensile strength of the pipe niaterial twit need not he greater than or equal to the actual tensile strength of the material. If the specimen breaks outside the weld and fusion zone (that is, in the parent pipe material and meets the minimum tensile-strength requirements of the specification. the weld shall he accepted as meeting the requirements.
If the specimen breaks in the weld or fusion zone and the observed strength is greater than or equal to the specified minimum tensile strength of the pipe material and meets the soundness requirements of, the weld shall be accepted as meeting the requirements.
If the specimen breaks below the specified minimum tensile strength of the pipe material, the weld shall be set aside and a new test weld shall he made.
5.6.3 Nick-break Test Preparation
The Nick-break test specimens (see Figure 5) shall be approximately 9 in. (230 nlm) long and approximately I in. (25 mm) wide and may be machine cut or oxygen cut. They shall be notched with a hacksaw on each side at the center of the weld, and each notch shall be approximately ‘itt in. (3 mm) deep. Requirements
The bend test shall be considered accepable if no crack or other imperfection exceeding 1/8 in. (3 intn or one-half the nominal wall thickness, whichever is smaller, in any direction is present in the weld or between the weld and the fusion zone after bending. Cracks that originate on the outer radius of the bend along the edges of the specimen dunng testing and that are less than 1/4 in. (6 mm). measured in any direction, shall not be considered unless obvious imperfections are observed. Each specimen subjected to the bend test shall meet these requirements.
5.6.5 Side-bend Test Preparation
The side-bend test specimens (see Figure 7) shall he approxunatcly 9 in. 23O mm) long and approximately 1/2 in. (13 mm) wide, and their long edges shall be rounded. They shall be machine cut, or they may be oxygen cut to approximately a 3/4 in. (19 mm) width and then machined or ground to the 112 in. (13 mm) width, The sides shall he smooth and parallel. The cover and root-head reinforcements shall be removed flush with the surtaces of the specimen. Method
The side-bend specimens shall be bent in a guided-bend test jig similar to that shown in Figure 9. Each specimen shall be placed on the die with the weld at mid span and with the face of the weld perpendicular to the gap. The plunger shall be forced into the gap until the curvature of the specimen is approximately U-shaped. RequIrements
Each side-bend specimen shall meet the root- and face- bend test requirements specified in
To weld the test joint for a fillet weld, a fillet weld shall be made 10 one of the contigurations shown in Figure 10. following all the details of the procedure specification.

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