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API STD 2510:2001 pdf download

API STD 2510:2001 pdf download.Design and Construction of LPG Installations.
5.1.3 SitIng of Pressurized LPG Tanks and Equipment Pressurized LPG tanks shall not be located within buildings, within the spill containment area of flammable or combustible liquid storage tanks as delined in NFPA 30. or within the spill containment area for refrigerated storage tanks. Compressors and pumps taking suction from the LPG tanks should not be located within the spill containment area of any storage facility unless provisions are made protect the storage vessel from the potential tire exposure. Examples of such examples include (a) a submerged-motor. direct-coupled pump with no muting clement outside of the pump containment vessel; (b) a submersible pump inside an LPG tank, Horizontal LPC1 tanks with capacities of 12.000 gallons or greater shall not be formed into groups of more than six tanks each. Where multiple groups of horizontal LPG vessels are to be provided, each group shall he separated from adjacent groups by a minimum horizontal shell-to-shell distance of 50 ft.
Note; Horizontal vessels used to store LPG should be oriented ia that their longitudinal axes do not point toward other facilities (such as containers, process equipment, control rooms. loading or unloading facilities, or flammable or combustible liquid storage facilities or offsitc facilities located in the vicinity of the horizontal vcsscl).
5.2.1 The ground under and surrounding a vessel used to store l.J shall be graded to drain any liquid spills to a safe area away from the vessel and piping. The grading shall be at a slope of at least 1%.
5.2.2 The drainage system shall be designed to prevent liquid spilled from one tank from flowing under any other tank and shall minimize the risk to piping from spilled LPG.
5.2.3 The spill drainage area shall not contain equipment. except as permitted by this standard.
5.2.4 Walls, dikes, trenches, or channels are permitted to assist in draining the area.
5.3.1 Spill containment shall be considered for all locations and provided in locations in which either of the following conditions will result in a significant hazard:
a. The physical properties of the stored LPG make it likely that liquid LPG will collect on the ground. (This would be the case if the LPG is a mixture of butane and pernanc.)
b. Climatic conditions during portions of the year make it likely that liquid I.lI will collect on the ground.
5.3.3 If spill containment is to be provided, it shall be by remote impoundment of spilled material or by diking of the area surrounding the vessel. 11w containment area shall not contain any other equipment. except as permitted by this standard.
5.3.4 If the Iloor of any spill containment area will not allow rainwater to dissipate within 24 hours, a drainage system shall be installed. Any drainage system provided shall include a valve or shear gate located in an accessible position outside the spill containment area, The valve or shear gate shall normally be kept closed. The drainage system shall be one of the following types:
a. A vapor sealed catch basin within the spill containment area discharging to a closed drainage system outside the spill containment area.
h. A pipe through the dike or wall discharging to a drainage system outside the spill containment area.
The drainage system shall keep the contents of the tank from entering natural water courses and from entering systems incapable of safely containing I .PG.
5.4.1 If remote inipoindment is to he used tir spill containment, the remote impoundment facility shall be designed according o the requirements given in 5.4.2 through 5.4.5.
5.4.2 Grading of the area under and surrounding the vessels shall direct any liquid leaks or spills to the remote impoundment area. Grading shall be at a minimum of 1% slope.
5.4.3 The use of walls, dikes, trenches, or channels to Facilitate the draining of the area is pennitted.
5.4.4 The remote impoundment area shall he located at least 50 ft from the vessels draining to it and from any hydrocarbon piping or other equipnient.
5.4.5 The holdup of the remote impoundment area shall be at least 25% of the volume of the largest vessel draining to it. If the material stored in the vessel has a vapor pressure that is less than 100 psia at 100°F. the holdup for the remote impoundment facility shall be at least 50% of the volume of the largest vessel draining to it. Larger holdups shall be provided in the remote impoundment facility at locations where the expected vaporization is less than that indicated by the material’s vapor pressure because of climatic conditions or the physical propenies o the material.

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