Home>API standards>API MPMS 12.2.5:2001(2016) pdf download

API MPMS 12.2.5:2001(2016) pdf download

API MPMS 12.2.5:2001(2016) pdf download.Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 12- Calculation of Petroleum Quantities Section 2- Calculation of Petroleum Quantities Using Dynamic Measurement Methods and Volumetric Correction Factors Part 5- Calculation of Base Prover Volume by Master Meter Method.
6 Application of Chapter 12.2, Part 5
6.1 For fiscal and custody transfer applicationr. provers are transfer standard’. which are used to calibrate flow’mclers.
6.2 The purpose of ealihniting a prover is to determine LS volume at reference conditions tbasc prover volume).
6.3 The base prover volume tBPV) of a prover may be determined by one of two methods—water draw or master meter. The master meter method refers to a volumetric calibration procedure whereby the base soluinc of a displacement prover is determined by using a master meter. The volume element (field prover) to be calibrated is piped in series with the master meter and the master prover. The nuLster prover shall have been previously calibrated by the water draw method. Liquid is Lhen passed through all three des ices and the volume determined from the master meter. corrected to reference conditions, is regarded as the reference volume. The volume of liquid collected is then carrceted for pressure and/or temperature differences between the test volume and the master meter. The corrected volume is then designated the base volume of the test element (field prover). See Figures 1, 2. and 3 for drawings of typical configurations,
6.4 The master meter method of detennining the base vol unw of a prover is an indirect method of calibrating a prover. The function of the master meter is to serve as an intermediate link between the prover and the volumetric standard.
6.5 The purpose of standanliting terms and arithmetical procedures employed in calculating the 81W is to avoid disagreement between the parties involved in the facility. The purpove of Pan 5—”Calculation of Prover Base Volume by Master Meter Method” is to obtain the unbiased answer from the same measurement data. regardless of who or what does the computing. The result of these ctThas is the production of the prover’s calibration certificate.
6.6 A calibration certificate serves as document stating the base volume of the prover (BPV) and also reports the physical data used to calculate that base prover volume.
6.7 Recording of field data, rules for rounding. calculatiunal sequence and discrimination levels ai specified, along with a set of example calculations. The examples are designed to aid in checkout procedures far any routines that are developed using the requirements stated in this purl.
6.8 The operational procedures employed to calibrate a prover are specified in API MPMS Chapter 4—”Proving Systems’.
7.1.1 This standard applies to liquids that, for all practical purposes. are considered to be clean. singlepha.sc. homogeneous. and Newtonian at metering conditions. Most liquids and dense phase liquids associated with the petroleum and petrochemical industries arc usually considered to be Newtonian,
7.1.2 The application of this standard is limited to liquids which utili,c tables andor implementation pnicedurcs to correel metered snlwnes at flowing temperatures and pressures to corresponding volumes at base i reference or standard t condiuoas T accomplish this, the density’ of a liquid shall be determined by the appiqwiale technical standard, or, altcrnaLively, by use of the proper density correlation, or. if necessaiy. by use of the correct equations of slate. II multiple parties arc invoked in the nicasuremen, the nwthod selected for determining the density of the liquid shall be mutually iqreed upon by all co,icemeil.
7.2.1 Hiswically. the measurement of some liquids for custody transler and process control, have been stated in volume units at base (reference or standardi conditions).

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