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API RP 591:2008 pdf download

API RP 591:2008 pdf download.Process Valve Qualification Procedure.
6.1.5 As part of the test program, the manufacturer shall provide written certification, signed by an officer of the manufacturing company, which states that the manufacturer’s production valves, regardless of size, pressure class, or materials of construction, are equivalent to the valves involved in the qualification and comply with the applicable product standards.
6.1.6 The manufacturer shall identify the name and location of the facility where the valves undergo final assembly and testing for inclusion in the final report required by 6.5.
6.1.7 Manufacturing by a third party (private labeling) where the manufacturing facility does not fully own the name, trademark or symbol on the valve, requires that the following additional information shall be documented in the final report prepared by the test taolity:
a) owning entity of the trademark, valve design, casting patterns or forng dies:
b) entity responsible for implementing the facdities QMS/QC program; and
c) the business relationship between the manufacturing facility(s) and the trademark owner (valve supplier, joint venture, partial ownership, majority of controlling ownership).
A signed statement shall be induded in the final report as required in 6.5.
6.2 Valve Qualification Facility
The manufacturer shall engage an independent qualification facility, to perform the mspections, examinations, and tests described in this section. The facility(s) used shall be mutually agreeable to the purchaser and the manufacturer. The qualification facility staff responsible for testing shall include a degreed or licensed metallurgical engineer or mechanical engineer
The qualification facility(s) shall be equipped and capable of performing, or supervising the performance of nondestructive examination, physical tests, and chemical analyses on materials. The qualification facility staff shall be familiar with the applicable API valve standards and with the codes, standards, and specifications referenced in those standards The facility’s proposed program shall cover the following:
a) qualifications of the personnel performing the inspections and tests;
b) test details and format used to present the results of the tests:
C) number, sizes, and types of valves examined (see Annex A); and
d) source of the test valves and test valves selection method.
6.3 Selection of Valves
6.3.1 In order to ensure that the lest valves were not made specifically for the tests, a random sampling feature shall be incorporated into the program. The qualification facility personnel shall select the test valves randomly from the manufacturer’s or distributor’s stock. Alternatively, the purchaser may choose to select the valves to be tested.
6.3.2 It is expected that the manufacturer shall have sufficient stock from which a random sampling of their valve products, and shell materials to be qualified, may be selected. Reduced sample lot may be agreed upon by the purchaser and manufacturer. Selected valves shall be clearly identified. Once testing commences, testing shall be limited to the randomly selected sample lot with no substitutions. Random sampling shall include selection from each material category to be qualified per Annex A.
6.4.4 After completion of required dimensional and vsuaI examinabons, paint and sealants shall be removed from the bodies, bonnets, and covers, and each of these valve pressure-containing components shall be visually examined to determine the fdlowing:
a) forgings are free from laps and seams; and
b) surface quality of castings, mcluding the body, bonnet, and cover, is as specified in MSS SP-55.
After completing visual examination a photograph of the disassembled valve parts, readable nameplate, and cast-in markings shall be made.
6.4.5 Material examinations listed in Table 1 shall be made on a minimum of five of the sample valves. The source of each body and bonnet (or cover) as well as each material group from each material source shall be sampled. Chemical composition and hardness shall be nondestructively determined except that small samples may be removed from the body, bonnet, or cover in a manner that will not affect the integrity of the component (e.g. areas such as bosses, ribs, arid flange perimeters). In addition, casting weld repairs and other pressure containing welds shall have chemical composition and hardness nondestructively determined.

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