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API RP 49:2001(2013) pdf download

API RP 49:2001(2013) pdf download.Recommended Practice for Drilling and Well Servicing Operations Involving Hydrogen Sulfide.
3.2.9 immediately dangerous to life and health (IDLH): An aln’nsspheric concentration of any toxic. corrosise. or asphyxiant substance that pos an immediate threat to life or would cause irreversible or delayed adverse health effects or would interfere with an individuars aNlily to escape (rum a dangerous atmosphere. The ACGIII has estiblished 3(X) ppm or grealer of H2S as an IDLH exposure.
3.2.10 inadequately ventilated: Ventilation tnatural or aflhticial) that is not sufficient to prevent thc accumulation ol significant quantities of toxic or mcii gases such that a hatard is created.
3.2.11 length-of-stain detector: A specially designed pump and cokwimeiric indicator tube detector tlcngth-ofstain t, with a supply of detector tubes, that operates by using the pump to pull a krnw’n volume of air or gas through a LktecLtw tube. The tubes contain chemical reagents that are designed to detect the presence and display the concentration of spcci& gises or vapors in the samnple The length of the resultant color band in the tube indicates an instantaneous quantitative concentration of the specific chemical in the sample.
3.2.12 permissible exposure limit (PEL): TWA concentrations that must not be exceeded during any X•hour work shirt of a 40-hour work week. PELs are subject to change
3.2.13 shall: Indicates the “recommended practice(s)” has universal applicability to that specific actis ity.
3.2.14 shelter-in-place: The concept of providing the public protection from exposure to toxic ga.s or vapor releases to the ens ironment by having residents stay indoors until emergency evacuators arose or the emergency is over.
3.2.15 short term exposure limit (STEL): A 15- minute Th’A exposure that should not he exceeded at any time during a workday.
3.2.16 should: Denotes a “recommended practice(s)” I) where a safe comparable alternative practice(s) is available:
2) thai may be impractical under certain circumstances: or 3) that may be unnecess1y under certain circumstances.
3.2.17 specIal operations: any sersice performed on or in a well other than the normal drilling or sers ice operations that are accomplished in their entirety by a drilling or servicing rig.
3.2.18 sulfur dioxide: Chemical formula is SOT. A toxic product of combustion of hydrogen sulfide, normally heavier than air.
CAUTION: Inhalation at ceilain concentrations can lead to injury or death. Refer to Appendix B.
3.2.19 temporary safe haven: Refer to ‘shelter-in- place” (3.2.14).
Drilling and well serv icing operations requiring special materials and equipment or pemonnel protection should utiliic guidelines n,commcndcd in this publication. Safety pmcedures shouki he initiated and training completed in advance of penetrating the shallowesi tone %u%pccled io contain hydrogen sulfide. If hydrogen sulfide conditions specified in 4.1 arc unexpectedly encountered, provisions of this publication should be implemented as soon as possible.
This puhIiainn prc’.cnt. reconiiocndcd and prcGluttons deemed pertinent to protect personnel and the public (runt exposure to potentially hazardous concentrations of hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide. These recommended practices recogni?e that owners, operators, contractors, and their employees have epurate responsibilities that nla be contractual in nature. It is nut the Intent of these recommended practices to alter the contractual relalionshipts between the panics. Sonic of the paciices recommended herein are mandatory by local. Mate, or federal law’s, rules. and regulations. Rccausc of the functional and geographical diversity of these requirements, no attempt has been made in these recommended practices to designate which are optional and which are requirral Furthermore. even if all the practices recommended herein are followed, there still may be existing or future legally imposed law’s or regulations which would not he met. In the event of any omission or conflict between these recommended practices and legally required action(s). the requirements of laws and regulations mu,il control. Some of the lederal regulations istandards) pertinent In safe well drilling and servicing operations involving hydrogen sulfide re listed in Section 2. Users of this publication should review these regulations and other federal. state, and local law’s ID assure appropriate compliance in their specific operations.

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