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API RP 53:1997(2004) pdf download

API RP 53:1997(2004) pdf download.Recommended Practices for Blowout Prevention Equipment Systems for Drilling Wells.
a. Close in on the drill string and on casing or liner and allow circulation.
b. Close and seal on open hole and allow volumetric well control operations.
c. Suip the drill suing using the annular BOP(s).
d. Hang off the drill pipe on a ram BOP and control the well- bore.
c. Shear longing cable or the drill pipe and seal the wellbote.
1. Dtsconncct the riser from the BOP stack. g. Circulate the well after dnll pipe disconnect
h. Circulate across the BOP stack to remove trapped gas.
There are several arrangements of ram BOP positions and side outlets that may satisfy the above.
7.3.2 Some differences relative to surface SOP systems
a. Choke and kill lines normally are connected 10 ram preventer body outlets to reduce stack height and weight, and to reduce the number of stack connections.
b. Spools may be used to space prcverncrs for shearing tububeg, hanging off drill pipe. or stripping operations.
c. Choke and kill lines arc manifolded such that each can be used for either pwpose.
d. Blind/shear rams are used in place of blind rams.
e. Ram presenters should be equipped with an integral or remotely opcratcd locking system.
The following ,ccommcnded minimum BOP spare parts ([or the service intended) should be carefully stored, maintained & readily available:
a. A complete set of ram rubbers br each size and type of rim BOP installed.
b. A complete set of bonnet or door seals for each size and type of ram BOP installed.
c. Ring gaskets to fit end connections.
d. A spare annular BOP packing element and a complete set of seals.
e. A tlezible chokc or kill line if in use.
When storing BOP metal parts and telated equipment, they shouLd be coated with a protective coating to prevent rust. Storage of claMomer parts should be in accoedance with manufacuier’s recommendations.
7.6.1 Choke and kill lines may be connected either to side outlets of the BOPs. or to a drilling spoci installed below at least one HOP capable of dosing on pipe. Utilization of the BOP side outlets reduces the number of stack connections and overall HOP stack height. Typically, drilling spoois e n installed on subsea BOPs howcvcr. a dnlling spool can be used to provide sack outlets (to kicaiir.c possible erosion in the less expensive spool) and to ajk,w additional space between preventcrs to facilitate stnpp.ng. hang oft. and/or shear operations.
7,6.2 Drilling spoo1s lot BOP stacks should meet the (01. kiwing minimum specifications:
a. 3K and 5K arrangements should have two side outlets i smaller than a 2-inch (5.08 cm) nominal diameter and he flanged. studded, or hubbeii 10K. 15K. and 20K arrange. ments should have two side oatlels. one 3-inch (7.62 cm) and one 2-inch (5.08 cm) nominal diameter as a minimum, and be flanged. studded. or hubbed.
b. Have a vertical bore diameter the same internal diameter as the mating BOPs and at least equal to the maximum bore of the uppermost casing/tubing head
c. Have a rated wodting pressure equal to the rated wosh.ng pressure of the installed ram BOP,
8 Choke Manifolds and Choke Lines— Surface BOP installations
The choke manifold consists of high pressure pipe, fittings. flanges, valves, and manual and/or hydraulic operated adjuatable chokes. This manifold may Need off weilbore pressure at a controlled rate or may stop fluid flow (rain the wellbore completely, as required.
Recommended practices for installation of choke manifolds for surface installations include
a. Marn fold equipment subject to well and/or pump pressure (normally upstream of and including the chokes) should have a working pressure equal to or greater than the rated working pressure of the ram BOPs in use. This equipment should be tested when installed in accc,dance with provisions oh Section 17.

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