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ANSI API RP 17A:2006 pdf download

ANSI API RP 17A:2006 pdf download.Design and Operation of Subsea Production Systems- General Requirements and Recommendations.
4.2.3 The subsystems comprising a subsea production or injection system may include the following:
— a structural foundation/template for positioning and support of various equipment;
one or more wellhead systems with associated casing strings to provide a basic foundation structure and pressure containment system for the well(s);
— one or more subsea trees incorporating flow and pressure control valves;
— a well entry system, used for initial installation and abandonment, as well as various maintenance activities on the subsea wells which require overhead well entry;
a PCS for remote monitoring and control of various subsea functions;
an umbilical which may include electrical power and signal cables, as well as conduits for hydraulic control/service fluids and various chemicals to be injected subsea into the produced fluid streams;
— a manifold system for controlled commingling of various fluid streams;
– multiphase flowmeters, sand detection meters and/or leak detection devices:
– subsea processing equipment, including fluid separation devices and/or pumps/compressors;
one or more flowlines to convey produced and/or injected fluids between the subsea installations and the host facility;
HIPPS to protect flowlines not rated for the full shut-in wellhead pressure from being overpressured;
one or more risers to convey produced and/or injected fluids to/from the various flowlines located on the seafloor to the host processing facilities;
– intervention and inspection, maintenance and repair equipment as defined for all of the above; subsea protection structures;
protection mats;
pig launcher/receiver;
pressure- and tern perature-monitoring devices; power distribution equipment;
tie-in spools and jumper flowlines;
— flowline and jumper protection devices (mattresses, rock dumping, trenching, dog houses, etc.); SSIVs at base of risers.
4.2.4 The subsea production system components are required to functionally and physically interface to each other, as well as to
the downhole completion equipment, including the SCSSV and any downhole pressure/temperature gauges or chemical injection systems, and to any other interactive components such as remotely operable sliding sleeves and corresponding equipment,
— the host processing facilities, including slug suppression/control devices.
4.3 Subsystem interfaces
4.3.2 Typical system and “code-break” areas which should be addressed are tree to flowline/umbilical/manifold,
treelTH to well completion system,
— tree to WOR or marine riser, tree control system interfaces.
4.3.3 In addition, system-dependent “weak points” should be defined and agreed.
5 Design
5.1 General
5.1.1 When designing a subsea production system, a systems approach should be used which considers equipment and system testing, installation, commissioning, operation, inspection, maintenance, repair, design life and abandonment requirements.
5.1.2 Provision for possible future extensions and operational flexibility to cater for reservoir uncertainty should be planned at an early design stage.
5.1.3 The design of a subsea production system should take into account the above phases of the field development, the requirements to operate the field, and the design data and design loads relevant at the location of the subsea installation. The information should be provided in a design basis document. Typical datasheets included in Annex F may be used for this purpose.
5.1.4 The following subclauses give an overview of typical information required.
5.2 Design criteria
5.2.1 Environmental data General
The following environmental data are typically required for the installation site of the subsea installation, and applicable along flowline routes in the field and along pipeline routes for export. Oceanographic data
Typically data are required for
water. depth, visibility, salinity, temperature, lowest astronomical tide level, highest astronomical tide level, resistivity, oxygen content, pH, mass density, specific heat capacity, swell, surge, currents: velocity profile, direction, distribution and periodic occurrence through the water column.

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