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API 17J:2008 pdf download

API 17J:2008 pdf download.By Authority Of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Legally Binding Document.
5.6 System requirements
5.6.1 Minimum system requirements General The purchaser shaP specify the systeri functional requirements of the profect The requirements Of
561.2. 5.6 1.9, and 561.10 shall be specified by the purchaser Specification of the other system requwemerits defined in Clause 5 should be considered. Annex A may be referenced for guidelines. The purchaser should specify the documentation, as listed in Clause 9. to be delivered by the manufacturer Application definition
The flexible pipe system shall be specthed as either flowline, riser or jumper. The flexible pipe application shall be specified as either static or dynamic and the expected number of load cycles and magnitudes should be specified for dynamic cases Corrosion protection
The corrosion protection requirements for the flexible pe should be specified. considenng the following:
a) end fitting internal and external corrosion protection:
b) cathodic protechon system for the pipe:
C) protection voltage, current source and current density. Thermal Insulation
The purchaser should specify any performance requirements of the flexible pipe for heat loss or ietertaon. Overall heat transfer coefficients shall be based on pipe nominal ID and shall differentiate between the pipe itself and any external effects, such as soil cover for buried pipe,
&6.1.5 Gas venting
A gas-venting system shall be required to prevent excessive pressure build-up in the annulus of the pipe. Requ’rements tt’ie purchaser has for the gas-venting system should be specified, considering the following
a) gas-venting system components:
b) allowable gas permeation rates:
C) restrictions on gas-venting locations:
d) interface requirements:
e) gas-monitoring system Pigging and TFL requirements
Any performance requirements for allowing tools for pigging, TFL. workover, or other operations through the flexible pipe, including ID. bend radius, and end-fitting transitions should be specified
6.1 Loads and load effects
6.1.1 General
The pipe design is based on the information supplied by the purchaser (see guidelines of Annex A). with reference to the requirements of Clause 5. All relevant information shall be defined in the design premise (see 9.2) inckiding design load cases. Results of the design load case analyses shall be induded in the design load report (see 9.3)
6.1.2 Definition of load classes Loads are classified as functional, environmental (external). or accidental, defined as follows
a) Functional loads are all loads on the pipe in operation, including all loads that act on the pipe in still water except wind, wave or current loads.
b) Environmental oads are loads induced by external environmental parameters.
C) Accidental loads are loads caused by accidental occurrelces.
Load classes and many siAclasses are bsted in the left column of Table 5. The design load cases shall be defsied to analyse, as applicable, the effect on the flexible pipe of functional, environment, and accidental loads. See ISO 13628-11 to.’ guidelines on the analysis techniques to be used for the loads given in Table 5.
6.1.3 Load combinations and conditions The flexible pine design shall be shown to meet the design requirements under the load combinations specified in 6.1.3. All loads, including loads specified in 6.12.2, that act on the flexible pipe, shall be evaluated. Variation of the loads an tw,’e and space, load effects from the flexible pipe system and its supports as well as environmental and soil conditions shall be analysed The design load conditions that shall be analysed am installation, normal oPeration (recurrent and extreme), abnormal operation and factory acceptance testing. Load combinations shall be as defined in the notes for Table S and the column headings in Table 6. Load combinations with a yearly probability of occurrence less than 1O” can be ignored. Factory acceptance test (FAT) load combinations shall be defined bi the manufacturer based on the FAT procedures. Design checks shall be tamed out for any temporary conditions specified by the purchaser or the manufacturer. These shall be subject to the same design aiteria as the design load conditions, as specified in Table 6. The simultaneous occurrence of different load onibinations shall be defined in the manufacturer’s design premise (see 9.2). The probability of specific load classes or subclasses may be specified by the purchaser based on proect-speciflc conditions. The probabilities of accidental and installation-related events should be specified by the purchaser (Tables 3 and 4). If the purchaser does not specify probabilities, the manufacturer shall propose the probabilies that are used for the individual events in the design premise. The design-load cases analysed shall be derived from the loading conditions specified in 6.1.2,2 and the column headings in Table 6.

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