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API 510:2006 pdf download

API 510:2006 pdf download.Pressure Vessel Inspection Code: In-Service Inspection, Rating,
Repair, and AIteration.
All tools, equipment, and personal protective equipment used during vessel work (inspection, NDF.. pressure testing, repairs, and alterations) should be checked prior to use. Nondestructive examination equipment arid the repair organization’s equipment is subject to the owner/user’s safety requirements for electrical equipment. Other equipment that might be needed for the vessel work, such as planking, scaffolding, and portable ladders, should be checked before being used, Personal protective equipment shall be worn when required either by regulations, the owner/user, or the repair organization.
5.3.2 Communication
Before starting any vessel inspection and maintenance activities (NDE. pressure testing. repair, or alteration) personnel should obtain permission to work in the vicinity from operating personnel responsible for the pressure vessel. When individuals are inside a vessel, all persons working around the vessel should be informed that people are working inside the vessel. Individuals working inside the vessel should be informed when any work is going to be done on the vessel’s exterior.
5.3.3 Vessel Entry
Prior to entering a vessel, the vessel shall be isolated from all sources of liquids. gases, vapors, radiation, and electricity. The vessel should be drained. purged. cleaned, ventilated, and gas tested before it is entered. Procedures to ensure continuous safe ventilation and precautions to ensure safe egresseinergency evacuation of personnel from the vessel should be clear. Documentation of these precautions is required prior to any vessel entry. Before entering a vessel, individuals must obtain permission from the responsible operating personnel. Where required, personnel protective equipment shall be worn that will protect the eyes, lungs. and other parts of the body from specific hazards that may exist in the vessel.
5.3.4 Records Review
Before pcrfiinning any of the required API 510 inspections, inspectors shall familiarize themselves with prior history of the vessels for which they are responsible. In particular. they should review the vessel’s prior inspection results, prior repairs, current inspection plan, and’or other similar service inspcctions A general overview of the types of damage and failure modes experienced by pressure equipment is provided in API 571 and API 579. Appendix C
5.4 Inspection for Types of Damage Modes of Deterioration and Failure
5.4.1 Pressure vessels are susceptible to various types of damage by several mechanisms. Typical damage types and mechanisms arc as follows.
a. General and local metal loss:
I. Sulfidation;
2. Oxidation;
3. Microhiologically induced corrosion;
4. Naphthcnic acid corrosion:
5. Erosio&erosion-corrosion;
6. Galvanic.
b. Surface connected cracking:
I. Fatigue;
2. Caustic stress corrosion cracking;
3. Sultidc stress corrosion cracking.
c. Subsurface cracking:
Hydrogen induced cracking.
d. Microlissuring/microvoid formation:
I. high temperature hydrogen attack;
2. Creep.
e. Metallurgical changes:
I. Gmphitization:
2. Temper embrittlement.
f. Blistering:
Hydrogen blistering.
5.4.2 The prcsence or potential of damage in a vessel is dependent upon its material of construction, design, construction, and operating conditions. The inspector should be familiar with these conditions and with the causes and characteristics of potential defects and damage mechanisms.
5.4.3 Detailed information concerning common damage mechanisms (critical factors. appearance. and typical inspection and monitoring techniques) is found in API 571. Additional rccornrncndcd inspection practices arc described in API 572.
5.5 General Types of Inspection and Surveillance
5.5.1 General
Different types of inspections and examinations are appropriate depending on the circumstances and the pressure vessel. These include the following:
a. Internal inspection.
b. On-stream inspection.
c. External inspection.
d. Thickness inspection.
e. Corrosion under insulation (CU!) inspection.
Inspections should be conducted in accordance with the inspection plan. Refer to Section 6 for the intervaLfrequency and extent of inspection.
Imperfections identiticd during inspections and examinations should be characterized, sized, and evaluated per Section 7.
5.5.2 Internal Inspection General
The internal inspection shall be pertbrnied by an inspector in accordance with the inspection plan. An internal inspection is conducted inside the vessel and shall provide a thorough check of internal pressure boundary surfaces for damage. A prirnasy goal of the internal inspection is to find damage that cannot be found by regular monitoring of external CMLs. Specific NDE techniques. e.g. WFMT, ACFM. liT, PT. etc.. may be required by the owneruser to find damage specific to the vessel or service conditions.
API 572, provides more information on pressure vessel inspection and should be used when performing this inspection,
For equipment not designed for entrance by personnel, inspection ports shall be opened for examination of surfaces. Remote visual inspection techniques may aid the check of these equipment internal surfaces.

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