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API 599:2002 pdf download

API 599:2002 pdf download.Metal Plug Valves一Flanged, Threaded and Welding Ends.
2.2.2 Face-to-face dimensions fix raised-face and ring-joint flanged-end valves and end-to-end dimensions for hun-welding-end valves shall conform to ASMIi B 16.10 or Table 3 as applicable.
2.2.3 End flanges of steel valves shall be integrally cast or forged with the body: howcvcr. llangcs may be attached by full-penetration butt welding if this method is specified in the purchase ordet End flanges attached by welding shall be cast or forged butt-welding ends. Welds shall conform to ASME B3 1.3. as shall qualifications for the welding procedure and the welder or welding operator. The finished weld thickness shall not be less than the minimum body-wall thickness (see 2.2.1). No welding or brazing shall be permitted on ductile iron.
2.2.4 The dimensions and finish of steel end flanges shall be as specified in ASME B 16.5 for the type of facing sped- tied in the purchase order. Flat-face flanges not covered by a lining material shall be finished as specified in ASME B 16.5 for raised-face flanges.
2.2.5 The dimensions and finish of ductile iron-end flanges shall be as specified in ASME B 16.42 for the type of facing specified in the purchase order.
2.2.6 Socket-welding end preparation shall conform to
ASME Bl6.l I. The bottom of the socket shall be square and
flat with the thickness in accordance with Table 4 of ASME
B I fr34.
2.2.7 Steel butt-welding ends shall conform to ASME B 16.25 for the bore specified, for use without backing rings.
22.8 Threaded end valves shall he threaded as specified in ASME 81.20.1. All internal threads shall be countersunk a distance of approximately one half the pitch of the thread at an angle of approximately 45 degrees with the axis of the thread.
2.2.9 When specified, drain and bypass connections shall conform to ASM E B 16.34 and MSS SP-45, as applicable.
Covers shall have bearing surfaces for bolting that are parallel to the cover face within I degree. When spot-facing or hack-facing of flanges is required, it shall be in accordance with the requirements of ASME 816.5 for end flanges.
2.4.1 The stem shall be designed so that, if failure of the stem to plug or that part of the stem within the pressure boundary occurs, no portion of the stem can be ejected from the valve as a result of internal pressure. The design shall not rely on actuation components (e.g.. gear operators. actuators. levers. etc.) to prevent ejection.
3.4.1 Plugs shall be made of one of the materials specified inASME 1316.34 or ductile iron oASME B16.42. The plug surfaces shall have bearing properties that will resist galling. Steel plugs may be hard surfaced to provide the desired resistance to abrasion and galling. Other maerials may be used if they are specified in the purchase order. On ductile iron plugs. hard surfacing shall not be applied by welding or brazing. The corrosion resistance of the plug shall be at least equal to that of the body. If the surfaces of plugs that rotate against elastomeric or plastic sleeves, Imers, seals, gaskets, or seats are not coated with an elastomer or plastic, these surfaces of plugs shall have a surface finish no rougher than Ra of 16 micminches (0.40 micrometers) per ASME H46. I.
3.4.2 Stem material, when not integral with plug. shall be at Least equal to plug material in torsional strength and corrosion resistance. Surface finish no rougher than Ra of 32 micminches (0.() micrometers per ASMF 1146.1 at the packing area.
3.5.1 Ilandwhcels and chainwheels shall be made of carbon steel, ductile iron, or malleable iron. Unless otherwise specified in the purchase order. handwheels and chainwheels shall be cast or llrged. or they may be fabricated from other carbon steel product forms, provided that the fabricated wheels are as strong and as tough as those made by casting or forging. All handwheels shall be free from burn and shaip edges. Wrenches shall be made of steel. ductile iron, malleable iron. bronze, or other ductile metals. Chains shall be made of steel.

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