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API 662:2006 pdf download

API 662:2006 pdf download.Plate Heat Exchangers for General Refinery Services- -Part 1- -Plate-and- Frame Heat Exchangers.
4 General
4.1 The pressure design code shall be specified or agreed by the purchaser. Pressure components (i.e. covers, tie bolts, tie nuts and connections) shall comply with the pressure design code and the supplemental requirements in this part of ISO 15547.
The structural welding code shall be specified or agreed by the purchaser.
Annex A provides some recommended mechanical and design details for information. Annex A also includes some precautions for consideration when specifying fouling margin, fireproof shrouds and plate gaskets.
4.2 The vendor shall comply with the applicable local regulations specified by the purchaser.
5 Proposal information required
5.1 The vendor shall complete all information requested on the data sheet. Annex C provides suitable formats.
5.2 For components whose terms and definitions are not fully identified by Clause 3, the vendor shall describe the details of construction and assembly.
5.3 The vendor shall include a detailed description of any exception to the specified requirements.
5.4 The first-time use of a plate-and-frame heat exchanger design, component or material by the vendor for the purchasers intended service shall be clearly indicated by the vendor.
5.5 The vendor shall state the anticipated life of the proposed gaskets in the specified service and in storage. Special requirements for gasket storage to maintain gasket shelf-life shall be specified.
5.6 The vendor shall state the method of support used for the movable cover.
5.7 The vendor shall supply a recommended spare parts list for each plate-and-frame heat exchanger.
5.8 If a fireproof shroud is specified, the plate-and-frame heat exchanger vendor shall submit proof that the proposed design has passed suitable type testing.
6 Drawings and other data requirements
6.1 Drawings
6.1.1 The vendor shall submit general arrangement drawings for each plate-and-frame heat exchanger for review. The drawings shall include the following information:
a) service, item number, project name and location, vendor’s shop order number and purchaser’s order number;
b) design pressure, test pressure, maximum design temperature, minimum design metal temperature and any restrictions regarding testing or operation of the plate-and-frame heat exchanger;
c) dimensions and location of supports;
d) overall exchanger dimensions;
e) maximum and minimum compressed plate pack length;
f) side clearance required for plate removal;
g) mass of the plate-and-frame heat exchanger, both empty and full of water;
h) centre of gravity of the exchanger for empty and operating conditions;
i) corrosion allowance;
j) material specifications for all components;
k) allowable forces and moments on connections;
I) size, flange rating and facing, location, orientation, and flow identification of all connections;
m) applicable design codes;
n) number of plates installed and maximum number of plates for specified frame;
o) gasket materials and attachment method (e.g. glued, clip-on, etc.).
6.1.2 The vendor shall recommend the tools needed for the assembly and maintenance of the plate-and-frame heat exchanger. If torquing of bolts is required, the vendor shall provide torquing procedures.
6.1.3 The review of general configuration drawings by the purchaser shall not relieve the vendor of the responsibility of meeting the requirements of the purchase order.
6.1.4 After receipt of the purchaser’s general arrangement drawing review comments, the vendor shall furnish the certified general configuration drawings and the detail drawings.
• 6.1.5 If specified by the purchaser, the vendor shall furnish copies of applicable welding procedure specifications and weld map for review or record.
• 6.1.6 If specified by the purchaser, the vendor shall furnish copies of applicable calculations for review or record.
e) spare parts list;
f) data sheets and drawings (as-built).
6.2.2 The vendor shall retain, for at least five years, records which confirm compliance of the material and fabrication with the requirements of this part of ISO 15547.
7 Design
7.1 General
7.1.1 The frame and tie bolts of the gasketed or semi-welded plate-and-frame heat exchanger shall be designed to permit the future installation of at least 20 % additional plates.
7.1.2 Gasketed plates shall be replaceable individually, and semi-welded plates in pairs, without having to remove any other plate.
7.1.3 The plate pack shall incorporate means for positive alignment of the plates and gaskets.
7.2 Design temperatures
7.2.1 The purchaser shall specify a maximum design temperature and a minimum design metal temperature.
7.2.2 The design temperatures shall be used for the design of all pressure-retaining components.
7.3 Design pressure
Unless otherwise specified or approved by the purchaser, the plate-and-frame heat exchanger shal designed for design pressure on either side, with atmospheric pressure or, if specified, vacuum on the other side.
7.4 Fouling margin.

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