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API 9A:2004 pdf download

API 9A:2004 pdf download.Specification for Wire Rope.
II tests on wires are required to be carried out, these are usually in respect of diameter, tensile strength and torsions; and, when applicable, zinc coating.
For the purposes of evaluating the test results, the manufacturer shotd indicate the nominal dimensions and tensile strength grades of the wires.
The sample selected should be of sufficient length to allow for retest.
NOTE These requirements do not apply to compacted strand ropes and compacted (swaged) ropes.
1.2 Sampling
1.2.1 Stranded rope
For each layer of strands, including those in the core, one strand of each construction within that layer shall be selected and the wires tested. If there are more than eight strands of the same diameter and construction in one layer, the wires from two strands of that diameter and construction shall be tested.
Unless specified otherwise, the samples of wires taken for tests shall not include filler or centre wires.
1.2.2 Spiral rope
Unless specified otherwise, the test pieces shall be obtained by separating the wires of each layer into groups. A group shall consist only of wires of the same type and size from a particular wire layer. 25 % of the wires from each group, with a minimum of three, shall be randomly selected and subjected to the required tests.
1.3 Test methods and acceptance criteria
1.3.1 General
1.3,1.1 Stranded ropes
For each requirement, a maximum of 5 $ of wires tested, rounded up to the nearest whole number of wires, shall be permitted to lie outside the values specified.
When the same wire fails in more than one test (e.g. torsion and tensile), this is counted as one failure. SpIral ropes
Wires from the rope conform to this International Standard if not more than one wire in any diameter group fails any of the tests specified. If two or more wires of any diameter group fail to pass any of the tests specified, all of the remaining wires of that group shall be tested in respect of the test in which these wires have failed; if the number of wires which fails these tests is less than two, the wires shall be deemed to conform.
1.3.2 Dimension (diameter or height)
When tested in accordance with 5.1 of ISO 2232:1990. 5 % of the wires may exceed by up to 50 % the
tolerance specified in Annex A of the present International Standard,
1.3.3 TensIle strength
When tested in accordance with ISO 6892 or the method given in Clause B.2 (for Levels 2, 3. 4 and 5), the measured values shall be in accordance with the values given in Annex A with an expanded tolerance of 50 N)mm2 at the lower end.
For ropes with shaped (e.g. triangular) strands, the expanded tolerance at the lower end shall be equivalent to 5 % of the tensile strength grade of the wire.
1.3.4 Torsion General
A length of 100I for the test piece between grips is preferred. If this length cannot be adopted, an alternative length may be chosen at the wire manufacturers discretion (e.g. for wire Levels 2, 3, 4 and 5). In this case. the number of torsions which the wire shall withstand shall be proportional to the numbers specified for a test length of lOOt Stranded ropes
For ropes with round strands, when tested in accordance with ISO 7800 or the method given in Clause B.2, as appropriate, the measured values of round wires of 0.5 mm diameter and larger shall be at least 85 % of the values specified in Annex A, rounded down to the next whole number.
For ropes with shaped strands with more than one layer of round wires in the strands, the values resulting from the above for round strands shall be reduced by one torsion each.
For ropes with shaped strands with only one layer of round wires in the strands, the values resulting from the above for round strands shall be reduced by two torsions each.
See 1,3.5 for test on wires less than 0,5 mm diameter. Spiral ropes
When tested in accordance with ISO 7801, the measured values of round and shaped wires shall be at least 75 % of the pre-spin (before fabrication) values, rounded down to the next whole number.
1.3.5 Knot
This test shall apply to wires smaller than 0,5 mm diameter in substitution of the torsion test.
Each single wire with one simple knot shall withstand without breaking a force of at least 45 % of the force corresponding to the tensile strength grade.

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