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API IP 1585:2007 pdf download

API IP 1585:2007 pdf download.Guidance in the cleaning of aviation fuel hydrant systems at airports.
13.1 In carrying out some of the operations/functions contained in this publication, certain non-standard conditions may prevail. These include higher than nomial flow rates, rapidly filling refueller, bridger or road tanker tanks, entering confined spaces, using high pressure jetting and using inert gases. All practical precautions should be taken and work should be carried out under a ‘Permit to Work’ system based on detailed method statements and risk assessments.
13.2 Fuel conductivity and the potential for generating static electrical charges at higher flow rates need to be considered. Mov ing jet fuel at higher than normal flow rates should not present a problem provided that the fuel is conductive (i.e. it has a conductivity level of at least 50 pS/rn at the temperature at which ii is being handled) and that there are no spark gaps present. Proper bonding of portable equipment used, including any temporary or vehicle tank receiving fuel, should be provided. See Annex B.
13.3 If the conductivity of the fuel at the temperature at which it is entering the tank is less than 50 pS/rn. the fuel is considered to be a static accumulator and velocity restrictions must be imposed. Even with conductive fuel. it is recommended that the velocity should not exceed 5 nisec until the fill pipe into the tank is completely submerged. .See Table B I.
13.4 %hilst it is generally accepted that the maximum safe velocity, from an electrostatic charge generation point of iew is 7 rn/sec for clean, di-v and conductive fuel (>50 pS/rn), flushed fuel may contain impurities such as water droplets and particulates. The presence of such impurities increases the risk of static charge build-up. Therefore, the velocit should be Iiniited to 1 rn/sec until the fill pipe is well submerged after which it may be increased to a rnaimum of S mlsec. See Table Bi.
For further information, refer to El Model Code of Safe Practice Part 21 and other industry accepted publications.
13.5 Ii it is necessary to break hanged joints or undertake other modification works on pipe sections that are under impressed current cathodic protection. (for example to remove a valve or tilting to gain entry to the system), either the current should be switched off or a bridging cablc should be securely fixed across the points where the gap will be created before removing the valve or titling.
13.6 Standard procedures forentering confined spaces should be observed when entering valve chambers and other spaces where there may be an oxygen deficiency. If inspecting a large diameter pipe where even partial entry is contemplated, the pipe should be treated as being a confined space.
13.7 If using an inert gas. such as nitrogen, a non life- supporting atmosphere will result if the gas is released in an uncontrolled manner. All due precautions should be taken to safeguard personnel involved.
13.K The use of personal protective equipment (PPE),although of vital importance,protects only theuser/’wearer. Consideration should begiven toproviding,where necessary,protection to otherpersonnel in the vicinity of the hazard and preparingadequate emergency procedures andprovisions.

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