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API IP Spec 1596:2006 pdf download

b) A screw base with compressed 0—rings and:or a flat end gasket ( Iuice seal) against a blunted —shaped knife edge. as descnbed in (a).
(c) For open—eiided elements. a suitable gasket. a vasher, or an 0—ring tilted iii a recessed washer. shall he speci lied to seal the end cap and rcai iii rig rod screw threads.
(d) A piston—I pe 0—ring.
All seals shall be composed of Viton A. I3una N. or an equivalent niaterial. See also section 2.5.3.
For vertical vessels, a head Iifl retaining device shall be fitted on all vessels 46 cm C I in.) diameter and larger.
4.8 I)A]: PLATIS
4.8.1 A permanent stainless steel or non—t’rrous metal data plate shall be securely attached to the vessel. The nameplate shall include at least the following in iirmat ion:
(a) The manutuicturer’ s name and address.
(1) The vessel’s serial number and model number.
c) The date of manuluicture.
(d) The design code ol the vessel.
(C) The design pressure for the vessel.
g) The sump volume (the volume that actiates a water defincc system when present or else the volume up to the lowest separator stool, tilter/coalescer stool, or element whichever is smaller).
Ii) The ‘ essel lid gasket material and art number.
4.8.2 A second securely attached removable plastic or metal data plate shall also he pro ided with the following intbrmation:
(a) The vessel’s serial number and model nLlIIiher.
(b) The vessel’s API IP category and type cl assi Ii eat ion.
(C) The vessel’s rated capacity lbr aviation fuel.
(d) The count and model numbers of the coalescer and separator elements.
(e) The manuluicturer’s recommended element—ehan’e pressure diffrential.
(f The recomnended assembly torquc for clement
(g) The similarity certificate identification codc.
4.9.1 Differential pressure gauges for 3-stage
When vesscls are equipped with a monitor element orfusc stage (3-stage vesscls) then differential pressuregauges (or sensors) shall be installed across thefilter/coalescers and also across the separators andmonitor stages.Each gauge shall have a suitable 3-wayvalve on its downstream side, arranged so that when thevalve is turned to the “off’ position, the gauge is vented.lf required by the purchaser to aid in calibrating thegauge. quick-disconnect couplers shall bc provided tofacilitate attaching a master gauge.
4.9.2Water defence system
Filter/separator systems used to refucl aircraft shall bccquipped with one of the following water defencesystems unless the purchascr agrces to climinate it:
A water-slug shutoff device as described in 4.10.1or
A sump water-levcl alarm as described in 4.10.2,orAwater-absorbing/flow-restricting multi-stagedevice meeting API/IP 1581 ( in 5thEdition.)
Note: The implementation of monitoring procedures toassess the contents of the filter sump after aircraftfuelling is accepled by the industry as an alternative tothe above hardware-based water defence systems.
4.10 OPTIONALACCESSORIES4.10.1 Water-slug shutoff device
water-slug shutoff device is a sensor or float thatautomatically causes the fuel pump to be shut off or avalve downstream of the filter/water separalor to beclosed when water fills the sump of the filter/waterseparator vessel.This device shall be equipped with anexternal mechanism for testing.Ifa float control is used.it shoul be the “ballast” or spring-loaded type, whichtests the buoyancy of the float when the exiernal.

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