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API IP St 1542:2007 pdf download

API IP St 1542:2007 pdf download.ldentification markings for dedicated aviation fuel manufacturing and distribution facilities,airport storage and mobile fuelling equipment.
There are five grad classifications of commcrcialAvgas,described as “Avgas 80″”,”Avgas 82UL”.”Avgas 91″,”Avgas 1O0 and “Avgas 10OLL”.”Avgas82UL” is listed in ASTM D6227 .Standard specificarioorfor 82 axleaded aeviarioox gasolire.”Avgas 9l” is listedin ASTM D 910 Srardard specification fow awiariowvgasolines. Avgas 80″,”Avgas100″and “AvgasI0OLL” are listed in ASTM D910 Standardspecificatiovr for aviction gasolises and the UK Ministryof Defence (MoD) Defence Standard 91-90 Gasolinve.caviaion: Grades 80/87,IOO/130 and 100/130lows lead..Joinr Service Desigrsariow: Avgas 80.Avgas 100 anddAvgas 10OLL and are distinguished by the followingcharacteristics:
aLean-mixture rating.b. Rich-mixture rating.c. Tetracthyl lead content.d. Colour.
Avgas 80 has thc following characteristics:
a. Minimum lean-mixturc rating octane numbcr of80,0.
b. Minimum rich-mixture rating octane number of87,0.
c. Maximum tetracthyl lcad content of 0,14 gPb/L.d. Dyed red.
Avgas 82UL has the following characteristics:
a. Minimum lean-mixture motor methodoctane number of 82,0.

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