Home>API standards>API MPMS 2.2D:2003(2009) pdf download

API MPMS 2.2D:2003(2009) pdf download

API MPMS 2.2D:2003(2009) pdf download.Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 2一Tank Calibration Section 2D- Calibration of Upright Cylindrical Tanks Using the Internal Electro-optical Distance-ranging Method.
The following procedures provide a method of on-site verification of the equipment prior to. and on completion of. a calihration procedure.
The prucedure shall be followed each time the instnement is switched on and brought to operating temperature. and on consplclion of any set of mcasuremcnts at a measurement station.
A.1 Angular Measurement Verification
A.1.1 The following procedure assumes that ihe instrument has been vcriticd pnor to calibration using the pmccdures recommeisdesi by the manufaciurer; it relies on the angular rneasurement accuracy of the EODR instrument.
Note 8: Thc angular measurement uncerta iwy of the instrument is nomuilly isijmscd to a minimum b) the manufacturer.
A.1.2 Set up the instrument, following the procedures described in Clause 7.
A.1 .3 F.ach pan icular EODR instrument will base manufaciurer s mstruc(ions concerning collimation of both the vertical and horizontal angular measurenlent components of the instrument These instructions shall he followcd exactly, and the uncertainty of hodi the vertical and horizontal angular measurement components of the instrument calculated and recorded.
A.1 .4 The collimation uncertainty of both the hunit,ntal and vertical components of the instrument shall not exceed ±0.001 gon.
A.2 Distance Measurement Verification
A.2.1 Complete the procedures iii A-I before venfying the distance-measurement component of the instrument
A.2.2 Set up the stadia using the procedures given in API MPMS Chapter 2.2C.
A.2.3 Place the stadia at a distance between 5 m and 15 m from the instrument and normal to an imaginary line between the instrument amid the center mark of the sladia. as illustrated in Figure A-I.
A.2.4 Using the EODR instrument, measure the horizontal angle 21) subtended at the instrument by the two marks on the stadia.

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