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API PUBL 4712:2001 pdf download

API PUBL 4712:2001 pdf download.Gas-Fired Steam Generator-Test Report Site C Characterization of Fine Particulate Emission Factors and Speciation Profiles from Stationary Petroleum Industry Combustion Sources.
The thermal/optical reflectance (TOR) method was used to determine OC and EC on the quartz filters. The TOR method is based on the principle that di itreni types of carbon-containing particles are converted to gases under different temperature and oxidation conditions. The TOR carbon analyzer consists of a thermal system and an optical system. Reflected light is continuously monitored throughout the analysis cycle. The negative change in reflectance is proportional to the degree of pyrolytic conversion of carbon that takes place during OC analysis. After oxygen is introduced, the reflectance increases rapidly as the light-absorbing carbon burns off the filter. The carbon measured after the reflectance attains the value ii had at the beginning of the analysis cycle is defined as EC.
Volatile Orzanic Compounds
Glass cartridges filled with Tenax-TA (a polymer of 2,6-diphenyl-p-phenylene oxide) solid adsorbent were used to collect VOC samples. Two Tenax cartridges in parallel were used simultaneously ftr each lest run due to the low concentrations expected in the sample. Each cartridge contained approximately 0.2 grains of Tenax resin. A sample rate of approximately 0.1 liters per minute through each Tenax tube was used. The flow rate through the Tcna.x cartridges was set prior to sample collection and checked after sample collection by placing a rotameter on the outlet of each Tenax tube and setting the position of the needle valve to achieve the desired flow rate.
The Tenax samples were analyzed by the thermal desorption-cryogenic preconcentration method, followed by high resolution gas chrornatographic separation and flame ionization detection (FID) of individual hydrocarbons for peak quantification, andr combined mass spcctrometric/Fourier transform infrared detection (MSD/FTIR), for peak identification. The resultant peaks .rcre quantified and recorded by the chrornatographic data systems.
Seinivolatile Or,anic Compounds
SVOCs were detennined in two different samples: dilution tunnel filler/absorbent cartridges and on in-stack tillers. The dilution tunnel samples were collected using a filter followed by an adsorbent cartridge. The media used for collecting SVOCs were as follows:
All stack emission results are presented in units of milligrams per dry standard cubic meter (mg/dscm) and pounds per hour (lb/hr . Concentrations are corrected to a standard temperature of 68°F and a standard pressure ol 29.92 inches of mercury unless otherwise indicated. See the conversion factors presented at the beginning of this report to convert to SI units. Substances that were not detected in any of the three test runs generally are not listed on the tables. Where shown, undetected data are flagged “ND”, treated as zeroes in sums, and excluded from average calculations. The approximate minimum in-stack detection limits achieved for all measured substances are given in Table 4-I.
Generator operating conditions during testing are summarized in Table 4-2. The process generator operated at close to its normal firing rate corresponding to approximately 70 percent of full firing capacity. The stack gas temperature averaged approximately 270°F. Excess 02 measured at the furnace outlet by plant instrumentation was I .3 to 1.5 percent.
The average fuel higher heating value (HHV) during each test was calculated from fuel gas grab sample analysis results (Table 4-3). The average heat input to the process generator during the test is the product of the average fuel-gas flow rate and the average fuel [IIIV. The average heat input was used to convert in-stack emission rates (lb/br) to emission factors (lb/MM Btu), which are presented in Section 5. LIDS concentration in the fuel gas, as determined from grab sample analysis. was less than the detection limit of I part per million by volume (ppmv).
Preliminary tests were conducted to establish a single point in the stack for sample collection.
The 02 and N0 concentration profiles were measured by traversing the CEMS probe across the
stack, while alternating every other point to the center point. The data from the center point.

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