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API Publ 4720:2002 pdf download

API Publ 4720:2002 pdf download.Comparison of API and EPA Toxic Air Pollutant Emission Factors for Combustion Sources.
Descriptioøj Sou rces Tested
The PAThF emission factors were calculated from tests of two small (>(50 hp) engines with stack oxygen lescl greater than I 3%. The EPA emission factors apjwar to be based on this sanw test data.
Identification and Explanation of Gaps and Inconsistencies
• I)ioxinsffurans. There arc no emission ftors mi- dioxinsfurans in either the EPA or the API databases.
• Metals. There arc no emission factors for metals in either the EPA or the API databases.
• Polycyclic Compounds. The PATEF and AP-42 emission factors are identical and based on the tests of the two engines.
• SVOC and VOC. The PATEF and AP-42 emission factors are identical and based on the tests of the Iwo engines.
Table A-6 compares the EPA and the API emission factor data for gas-fired, 2-stroke, lean-bum. recipmcating internal combustion engines. The EPA factors were obtained 1mm AP-42 Section 3.2 — Natural Gas-tired Reciprocating Engines (dated 71(E). The API factors were obtained from PATEF 102.
Description of Sources Tested
The PAlEF factors were calculated using data from two test data sets. The EPA factors are based on I ( test reports containing I 20 emission tests, These test data were gathered oser the past 5 years under the ICCR program. EPAsponsored testing at Colorado State Unisersity. and GRI-sponsored testing.
Identification and ExpIaiatiofto( Gaps and Inconsistencies
• DioxinsfFurans, iThere are no emission factors for dioxinslfurans in either the EPA or the API databases.
• Metals. There arc no emission factors for metals in either the EPA or the API databases.
• Polycyclic Compounds. The PATEF emission factors arc based on a single lest, while the EPA factors arc based on 1mm I to 7 tcsls. For the imst pan. there is reasonably good agreement between the two data sets.
• SVOC and VOC. 11w PATEF emission Factors arc based on one or two tests, while the EPA Factors are based on as many as 58 tests. The EPA database contains emission factors for many more compounds than are in the PATEF database,
Table A-7 compares the EPA and the API emission factor data for gas-tired. 4-stroke, lean-bum, reciprocating internal combustion engines. The EPA factors were obtained (mm AP-42 Section 3.2 — Natural Gas-fired Reciprocating Engines (dated 71(E), The API factors were obtained (mm PATEF 2,02.
Description of Sources Tested
11w PATEF factors were calculated using data from two test data sets. The EPA factors are based on I 8 test reports containing 93 emission tests. These test data were gathered over the past live years under the lUCK program. EPA- sponsored testing at Colorado State Unisersity. and GRI-sponsored testing.
Idenhficatlon and Explanation of Gaps and Inconsistencies
• DioxinsFurans. There are no emission factors for dioxinsfurans in either the EPA or the API databases.
• Metals. ‘I’bere are no emission factors for metals in either the EPA or the API databases.
• Polycyclic Compounds. The PATF.F emission factors are based on a single test, while the EPA factors are based on from I so tesls. For the most pan. the EPA emission factors are higher than the PATEF emission factors.
• SVOC and VOC. The PATEF emission lactors are based on one or two tests, while the EPA factors are bused on as many as 32 tests. The EPA database contains emission factors for many more compounds than are in thc PATEF database.
Tables A-9 and A-b compare the EPA and the API emission factor data for gas-tired gas tusbrnes with and without duct burners. The EPA tictors were obtained from AP-42 Section 3.1 Stationaty Gas Turbines dated 4/(X)i. AP•42 does not distinguish between turbines with and without duct burners. Duct burners are used to provide supplemental heat t& the waste heat boiler in the cogeneration cycle. The API factors were obtained from PATEF 2.02,
Description of Sources Tested
The PATEF factors were calculated using data from thn test data sets. The EPA HAP factors are based on over 60 source tests,
Identification and Explanation of Gaps and Inconsistencies
• DiosinsFurans. Thcrc arc no cniission factors for dioxins/furans in either the EPA or thc API databases.
• Metals. The PAIFF emission factors arc based on eric or two tests. There are no metal emission factors for gas-fired turbines in AP-42.
• PoIcyclic Compounds. The PATEF emission factors arc based on one or Iss Icsts. AP—42 reports emission factors only for naphthaknc and total polycyclic compounds.
• SVOC and VOC The PATEF emission factors axe based on one or two tests, while the EPA factors are based on as many as 33 tests.

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