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API PUBL 4722:2002 pdf download

API PUBL 4722:2002 pdf download.Access to Additional Content for PUBL 4722,
The first four questions address any policy-based usage of this aquifer. In the toolkit, policy-based considerations override the engineering considerations when determining resource value for an aquifer. The fifth question, In two parts, addresses the two majOr limitations on water production from an aquifer.
1. If groundwater use is precluded by some type of regulation or law (such as a no-pumprng rule) then the Resource Value is defined as LOW as it is not usable as a resource for water-supply purposes.
2. If the water-bearing unit is a sole-source aquifer as defined by federal or state reguLations, then the Resource Value is defined as HIGH as the water-bearIng unit is a vital water supply resource.
3. If the water-bearing unit is currently being used in the vicinity of the site of interest, then the Resource Value is considered to be HIGH as it is a usable water supply resource. For the purposes of this software, the software development committee used a distance of 2500 ft to determine if water supply wells (either domestic, municipal, irrigation, or industrial) that are screened in the water-bearing unit have the potential for being affected by the site of interest, This distance was based on general experience about the potential conservative (high-end) length of contaminant plumes,
4. If there is a formally adopted water supply plan (adopted by regulatory body such as a city. county, regional planning board, state, etc.) that indicates that the unit may be used as a
The first question is designed to rule out potential transport through aquitards If there is strong hydrogeologiclstrabgraphic information that the aquitard is likely to prevent vertical transport to this water-bearing unit. The second question provides a quantitative tool to estimate the resulting concentration in this water-bearing unit after groundwater migrating from the upper water-bearing unit through the aquitard mixes with groundwater in this water-bearing unit This calculation is based on potentiometric level, aquifer thickness, concentration in the contaminated unit, mixing layer thickness, and ultimate length of plume in the upper unit. The equations used in this calculation may be viewed by dicking the See graphic of flow-through aquitard button.
Once the concentration has been calculated, the user may compare the lower unit concentration to the MCL or other relevant regulatoy standard to answer Question 2. Mass flux information associated with transport through the aquitard is also provided.

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