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API Publ 4731:2003 pdf download

API Publ 4731:2003 pdf download.Light Non-Aqueous Phase Liquid (LNAPL) Parameters Database.
As with any data entry form other than samples. the first step is to navigate to the last record in the database and then hack-up to the last sample where data needs to be entered. When new samples first appear. only one row is visible in the data entry table. New rows are automatically added at the bortom of the table each little a row is completed.
Capillary pressure data must he entered in units of centimeters of water and the values must be greater than 0.0. The value 0.001 is entered in place of zero w indicate the initial saturation. Saturation data is stored in the database as fractions (between 0.0 and 1.0) and is displayed as percentages. lithe data to be input is not available in these units, a unit conversion must he performed before data entry. It may be easier to calculate the unit conversions in the Excel spreadsheet and then import the data into the database afterward. See section 2.3.5 11w a discussion of how to enter data in this way.
2.2.5 Petrophysical data entry form
The basic rock (petrophysical) properties of the samples arc important components of this database. These parameters include information about the sampling conditions (depth. zone, and sample orientation) as well as properties that can directly influence the capillary response (saWration. poroshy. permeability. etc.). To view the form, bring the “Petrophysical Data” folder forward by clicking on the tab in the basic data entry form (sec Figure 14) and then click the Enter Peirophvsk’al Data button. The data entry form (see Figure 22) includes both drag-down menus (pick-lists) and fill-in values. All parameters indicate the appropriate units for the daahase. Parameters such as porosity anti saturation are sored in database as fractions (values from 0.0 to l.0 and are displayed as percentages.
2.3.1 Getting Started
Rcgardlcss of whether the dab entry person is going to usc thc manual data entry form or load the database by transferring electronic files formatted into Excel’ worksheets, the user needs to have the data well organized prior to getting started. Data entry will be tar more efficient and less prone to mistakes if the data is well organized and documented prior to beginning the data entry process. As discussed in sections J. and , particular care must be exercised in making sure that the data entered into the database is appropriate and that sample_ids are properly assigned. The sample_id value is the primary key that links the various data tables within the database. Before any new data is entered into the database, the highest existing value of the sample_id must be determined by examining the last record in the Samples table.
Even if the hulk of the data is to be imported from Excel” tiles, the Site and Samples data must be entered manually. This information is unique to the database and has no equivalent in the laboratory data. Users are encouraged to use the manual data entry forms (sections 2.l and 2.2). However, if users decide to enter this data directly into the database tables. they can still make use of the pick-lists as these are table features.
After the data is organized and the mapping from project sample names to sampe_ids have been determined, the user is ready to begin reforniatling data ftw import into the database.
2.3.2 PTS Labs data structures
Most of the data entered into this database were analyzed at the 19’S Labs. Accordingly, the database design closely mirrors the current standard output of the P1’S Labs. This should not discourage users from entering data analyzed at other laboratories, although it is likely that more work will he involved.

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