Home>API standards>API RP 1117:2008(2013) pdf download

API RP 1117:2008(2013) pdf download

API RP 1117:2008(2013) pdf download.Recommended Practice for Movement in ln-service Pipelines.
5 Procedure Considerations
5.1 General
A pipeline-moving project has three steps, which are to be performed in the following order:
a) project planning;
b) the actual work of ditching, moving. badfllling, and cleanup: and
c) documentation to meet pipeline-operator and regulatory requirements.
Each of the consideration discussed In this section should be taken into account In at least one of these steps.
5.2 Safety Precautions
Caution—For safety, the cautions and recommendations described in 5.2.2 through 5.2.7 should be considered and followed.
5.2.1 General
5.2.2 Internal Operating Pressure
Prior to the pipe movement, the internal operating pressure of the pipeline should be reduced ii accordance with the pipeline operators’ procedures and applicable regulations.
5.2.3 Pipeline Location
Prior to planning and excavation, the location of the pipeline, including Its depth, should be determined.
5.2.4 Other Underground Facilities
Prior to planning and excavation, efforts should be made to determine whether underground facilities may be encountered and, if so, where the facilities are located. The construction area should be checked for utity markers and other evidence of underground facilities. If available, state or local “One Call” systems should be accessed. Otherwise, operators of such underground facilities should be contacted directly so they may locate and mark their facilities. All contacts should be documented.
5.2.5 Girth Weld Inspection
If available, pipe mill test reports and welding inspection records should be reviewed. In addition, consideration should be given to the visual and nondestructive inspection of girth welds once the pipeline is exposed and prior to movement should be considered.
5.2.6 Attached Appurtenances
Attactirnents to the pipeline such as fittings or valves may affect the pipeline movement. Their effect on the movement should be considered. The movement of pipelines with attached appurtenances is beyond the scope of this recommended practice (see 1.2).
6.1 General
Prior to the execution of the pipeline movement, the exposed portion of the p4pel.ne should be given a thorough
overall visual inspection. A record should then be made of the inspection.
6.2 Girth Welds
Girth welds identified by 5.2.5 as requiring visual inspection should be visually inspected.
Caution—Pipe movement cannot be controlled once started.
NOTE Successive steps may be requ Wed.
6.3 Inspection for External Corrosion
The pipeline should be inspected for evidence of external corrosion. The disposition of any pipe with corrosion should be carried out in accordance with the pipeline operators’ procedures and applicable regulations.
6.4 Inspection for Mechanical Damage
The pipeline should be mspected for mechanical damage Imperfections and defects should be handled Ni accordance with the pipeline operators procedures and applicable regulations.
6.5 External Coating
6.5.1 Inspection
The coating should be Inspected both before and after a movement.
6.5.2 Repair Method
Any holidays (discootinuities) in the coating should be repaired using a system compatible with the existing coating. Loose or disbonded coating should be removed and replaced in accordance with the pipeline operators’ procedures and applicable regulations.
7 Cleanup
7.1 General
Caution—Backfilling and restoration should be performed as described in 7.2 and 7.3 so as not to damage the pipe or Its coating.
7.2 Backfilling
In backfllling. the use of rock shields or adequate padding should be considered The backfill next to the pipeline should be free from rocks and other hard objects. Pipeline stress can be reduced Ni backfllling by ensuring that the pipe is flat on the trench boaom and is padded well with sand or good fill dirt. if necessary. No trash should be allowed to get into the ditch. In areas such as streets, driveways, and parking lots, extra compaction may be required.

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