Home>API standards>API RP 11V8:2003(2015) pdf download

API RP 11V8:2003(2015) pdf download

API RP 11V8:2003(2015) pdf download.Recommended Practice for Gas Lift System Design and Performance Prediction.
• Obtain a flowing temperature profile to serve in valve temperature estimates for the lower valves (the upper unloading valves will have a cooler, transient temperature during initial unloading).
Temperature prediction is important in the design calculations of gas lift valves with nitrogen charged bellows. It is much less important for spring loaded valves. The flowing temperature profile measured in conjunction with a pressure survey represents the producing well. The survey does not give the cooler wcllborc temperatures that exist at the start of the unloading process.
• Use the flowing temperature survey for analysis by sopping at (or slightly above and below) each gas lift valve. A cooling effect indicates gas passage. A tubing hole can also be located with numerous stops through the interval 01 the suspected problem.
• The temperature profile can he used to set the lower valves that are subjected to hot reservoir Iluid. The temperatures for the upper valves are not based Ofl the (lowing temperature survey. These upper temperatures (for the design calculations) must be estimated from unloading cojiditions. Section 4.1 recommends temperature models for unloading valves.
Production tests, which are also known as well tests, are essential for effective gas lift analysis and design. These tests are used to gauge or measure the oil, water, and total gas production rates, The water t’raclion, and coupled with measured gas injection rates, the IGLR can be calculated.
RECOMMENDED PRACTiCE: Production rate tests
and facilities should adhere to these guidelines for accuracy, frequency, and duration. The tests should be conducted under normal operating conditions to obtain the most representative data.
API RP II V5 includes more detailed reconimendatiotis on test methods.

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