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API RP 13L:2003 pdf download

API RP 13L:2003 pdf download.Recommended Practice for Training and Qualification of Drilling Fluid Technologists.
4 Principle
This document is a recommended practice (RPI and seeks to foirnaliie the specific knowledge base. professional skills. and application skills needed to ensure the competency and proressionalism of individuals working in the drilling fluids industry. Drilling fluids technologists should use this RP as an outline to self-determine an gaps in leaniing and seek to improve their skills. A company contracting the service uf a cfrilling fluids technologist should use this recommended practice as a checklist of knowledge that a technologist should be able to demonstrate pealiciency in applying.
5 Procedure
The drilltng fluids disciplines and sub-dLsciphncs were developed from a review of the typical curricula followed by drilling fluids service companies in their basic mud school. The topics as listed in Appendix A were used as a Inimework ftw dcseloping the guidelines that turns the normative portion of this standaol. Each sub-discipline was divided into appropriate tasks and those tasks were assigned breath of knowledge statements needed to obtain minimum competency. The drilling fluid technologist discipline is broken into six sub- disciplines and each sub-discipline is described by tasks and specilic skills to demonstrate proficiency and knowledge in that task. for ease of reading, the tasks and skill set are placed in a table format
• Describe the rdationsliips anamg pure essure. dcgih. and la* size, with espec tocastag setting decisions.
• C,Jcujaic la* sdunies, flow ,atcs. and cireubline tinies
• Draw a schematic of a wellbwe. propctly labekd,
• (‘kulaie total solunies, wiIumc’depIh. and Irlernawi time,
• Daigram a rig taid setup fri ptqiex nnxmg. sealing, jul flow.
• Dcscnbc the funcuoreng ola Ag mud pump.
• Calculate purrqs output.
1ls a vticmmcter to measure Ihc sheze ,itrc’ncs v’.unrius shear ratta.
Cak’ulaic the nty nicaswud rheulogiuil pupeeties
Describe die c .nnioisl med drilling fluid. theological mathematical moicls.
Plot siscoity versus shear rate and dctcnnine cffcctise sisonsitics
Dcscnhc the use and hmitatiniis of the API hunnel Viscnsity.
Describe hon and wbeth viscosity nanisweniehis utlate to hole deaning.
Calculate peesswe dmps Ice cach annular .secuo,L
Calculate the Equivaleis Ciueuluatmg Density lECDk
(‘alcul.itc the cuttings trauspial efficiency
Calculate the rdatiumship of drilling fluid viscosity to singe and swab pressures.. solids suspension.
and sbcighl materul mag Define each of theic terms.
• usc the API retort to nwanure the waler, nil and solids content in a drifting fluid.
• Descifbe the eamcs olsolids buihiup.
• Measure the MIIT and calculate the equi’calem cirn ntr.rntm of heniciniIe
• (‘ak’ulaie the low gravity and high pus ily solids in fresh wtcr. sub watu. oil.hascd, and synthetic. lawed fluid,
• l)cscnhc the relationship between .,ouids content inst drilling fluid and lh API Plastic Vscrnd and Yield Point
• Calculate the dnlkd solids to hcuiminpic ratio and dcscnlw its nubcanix.
• Calculate a material balance seriflcuifk,m oldie primiirs sullik asaulysis cakubuirais.
• Describe why ndcqualc south cutarol on the rig is inaxwtant.
• List the sire dlL%sIfw.lIIon of solids in a drilling fluid.
• List the typical tyesu1dnllcd solkK
• Explain die imporitut of particle aizc disuihutisin and solids staic arc-a.
• List die types of solids control equipment normally found on a driling rig.
the rebbonship between scieen mesh dcxignatio, wire diameter. screen opening dimcnsix on cut point, and screen life.
• Describe drilling fluid loss and its dcc on drilling fluids and the drilling opcraiinn.
• Use the API low pressure and HTIIP filter presses to uf*ain filtrate data
• Plot a filtrate versus squue rout of time fluid fuss graph.
• DCscribc spun loss and constant rate hkniam.
• Explain die concept of permcalidity and porosity.
• Describe the difference between static id dynamic hltration.
• l.est the factors that aintnil filtration in sfrillung fluids.
• Describe the causes and types of liars emulation.
• Describe treatments ftwcadi tc of lost ci,cuiutioii.
• Dcscnbe how the fluid pecipcsiies of mud weight and visensity eflect lost cinuilition.
• Describe the causes and types of stuck pipe.

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