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API RP 1543:2009 pdf download

API RP 1543:2009 pdf download.Documentation, Monitoring and Laboratory Testing of Aviation Fuel During Shipment from Refinery to Airport.
Design, construction, operations, maintenance and inspection requirements for refinery operated storage tanks, filtration systems If used, can be found in API 1595,
The introduction of ground fuels containing or made exclusively of bio.components (e.g. FAME) is a concern in a
refinery where these fuels are transferred through common piping or ancillary equipment (e.g. pumps, meters, valves)
also handling aviation grade fuets.
When a refinery uses common piping or ancilLary equipment to co-transport aviation fuels and ground fuels (containing FAME) the refinery shall complete a management of change (MOC) process to determine additional safeguards required to preserve the integrity of the aviation fuel, Issues which shall be considered but not lwnited to are listed below.
1) Examine their facilities to identify any potential sources of low level cross contaminabon Areas to inspect should include but not be limited to ingress and egress manifolds, pump stations, valve integrity, dead legs, meter bays.
2) Review operating procedures associated with these facilities to ensure they are effective at preventing low level
NOTE I m3 B5 in 10,000 m3je( fue is equivalent to 5 ppm FAME in jet fuel.
6.3 PipelIne
6.3.1 General
Well-defined procedures shall be developed and implemented to eliminate the opportunities for contamination in any pipeline network that handles aviation products.
The pipeline owner/operator shaM develop a comprehensive aviation fuel quality assurance and monitoring program based on industry, local practices and previous experience that shall be designed to maintain the quality of fuel while in transit. This should take the form of in-transit testing of certain fuel properties and testing for fuel contaminants such as particulate, water and surfactant levels. In addition, random full specification testing should also be considered.
In nori-fungible product systems, where the original batch identity of the fuel is not lost, the pipeline owner/operators shall maintain a system to forward RQCs, COAs and recertification test certificates as applicable to receiving terminals or airports in advance of the product being received at these points.
The introduction of ground fuels containing or made exclusivety of bio-components (e.g. FAME) is a growing concern on pipelmes handling aviation fuels. When a pipeline co-transports aviation fuel and ground fuels (containing FAME) the operator shall complete an MOC process to determine additional safeguards required to preserve the integrity of the aviation fuel. Issues which shall be considered but not limited to are listed below.
1) Examine their facilities to identify any potential sources of low level cross contamination Areas to inspect should include but not be limited to ingress and egress manifolds, pump stations, valve integrity, dead legs, meter bays.
2) Review operating procedures associated with these facilities to ensure they are effective at preventing low level
NOTE 1 m3 B5 ii 10,000 m3 ptfuels is equivalent to 5 ppm FAME int fuel.
The results of the fwst4ool sample will be used to con6rm that contamination has not taken place. The API Gravity and flash point results shall be compared with the shore tank quality certificate, If the compansons of the results exceed the specified values or if dirt, water or an unusual color is observed. vessel loading shall be stopped and the responsible party contacted Immediately.
Supply arrangements shoiid avoid wherever possible the use of ships or coastal vessels with copper or copper alloy heating coils in any of the compartments used for the transport of aviation fuels.
Special precautions shall be exercised to assure product quality if a vessel fitted with heating coils made of copper or its alloys is chartered to carry jet fuel. Prior to loading, product shall be tested by the supplying installation for thermal stability according to test method ASTM D3241, JFTOT Procedure, at a heater tube control temperature of 275 C. Fuels that do not pass a 275 C JFTOT should not be loaded on a ship fitted with copper heating coils.
Once loading Is complete, the Inspector should obtain three 1-gallon (5-gal for aviation gasoline) multi-tank composite vessel samples, consisting of a middle or running sample from each compartment, which shall then be sealed and labelled in the presence of the ship’s responsible officer. The samples may be required for the following:
— immediate testing by the supplying refinery, terminal or contract laboratory;
— retention at load port; and
— onboard transportation to the receiving installation (disporl)—upon arrival at disport, the inspector shall retain this sample for 30 days.

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