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API RP 1595:2006 pdf download

API RP 1595:2006 pdf download.Design, Construction, Operation, Maintenance, and Inspection of
Aviation Pre-Airfield Storage Terminals. Hydrometers and Thermometers
Hydrometers and thermometers used for API Gravity (or density) quality control checks shall meet the requirements of the relevant standards:
• Hydromctcrs—ASTM El 00 or ISO 649-1.
• Thermomcters—ASTM El or IP Appendix A.
• Thermohydrometers for Jet A/A-I designated ASTM 255K and S5HL
• Therinohydrorneters for aviation gasoline designated ASTM 258K and 58HL.
• Anton Paar DMA 35N handheld densitometer (intrinsically safe model).
Hydrometers and thermometers must not be left in direct sunlight or near heating appliances. Hydrometers shall be stored sertically.
Before each use, hydrometers shall be carefully examined to ensure that:
a. The etched line on the hydrometer stem corresponds to the arrow (or line) at the top of the paper scale. A fingernail can bc used to detect the etched line position.
h The weighting material has not dislodged. This would cause the hydrometer to float in a non-vertical plane.
c. The glass is intact.
d. The scale markings are legible.
Before each use, a thermometer shall be visually inspected to confirm that there are no gas bubbles trapped. or separation of the liquid column in the mercury column or the bulb, the mercury colunin is unbroken, and there are no mercury glohules above the top level of the mercury column. The thermometer’s scale markings shall be clearly visible.
If a measurement of temperature or API Gravity is suspected of being inaccurate, the accuracy of the thenuorneter and hydrometer shall be checked. These cheeks shall he carried out by means of one of the following options:
a. transporting to laboratory or a central point
h. holding a reference set of instruments on site or at a number of “hub” sites
c. using a standard API Gravity reference fluid held at each site or sent to each site from a central point or a laboratory
d. avoiding the need to recalibrate by disposal and repurchase before recalibration becomes due
e. checking against other instruments in service most operations will have more than one of each,
3 Pre-Airfield Storage Terminals Equipment Design
The observance of certain fundamental practices in the design. construction and commissioning of facilities used for the storage. handling and transw1 of aviation fuels is considered essential to ensure that health and safety of staff, environmental protection and product quality are maintained.
3.1.1 Segregation of Aviation Fuels
All facilities utilized for handling aviation fuels shall be fully grade-segregated (grade separated and shall also provide segregation between batched (aviation product in storage that has been assigned a unique hatch number and has been subject to a recertification test) and unhaiched (aviation product in storage that has not been assigned a unique batch number and/or has been subject to a recertification test) product. This requirement may he relaxed only in the case of’ pipework upstream of aviation fuel storage tanks used for the receipt of multiple products from ships/barges or pipelines, and then only provided the system is so designed to facilitate the detection and appropriate downgrading of product interfaces.
3.1.2 Materials of Construction
The choice olconstruction materials is an important factor, particularly in the case of aviation turbine luel systems, where product thermal stability can he degraded by the presence of’ very low concentrations of copper. or by finely divided particulate matter.
The use of copper LW copper alloys shall be eliminated wherever possible by the use of alternative materials such as stainless steel or aluminum. Zinc and cadmium are two other metals that adversely allxt product quality. Zinc rich (galvanized) coatings. cadmium alloys and cadmium plating shall not he used for applications in contact with aviation fuels.

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