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API RP 1637:2006 pdf download

API RP 1637:2006 pdf download.Using the API Color-Symbol System to Mark Equipment and Vehicles for Product ldentification at Gasoline Dispensing Facilities and Distribution Terminals.
2.4.1 Biodiesel shall utilite bronie hexagonal symbol with an outer yellow band. The inner hexagon is marked with black or while lettering designating the biodiesel blend (e.g.. 112, B5 or 1120).
2.5.1 Alcohol-based flick arc primarily composed of alcohol with some amount of gasoline blended into the product. Where an alcohol based product is oflcred for sale in addition to the three primary gasoline grades. the background color shall be bronie. Black or white lettering (with company names or product codes) shall be used to furthcr identiI’ the product. For example, ethanol containing 15 volume percent gasoline would be labeled “E-85.”
3.1.1 Equipment should be marked with one large symbol or several small ones. Bands shall be used for rounded surfaces, such as on pipelines and loading arms. Symbols should be placed directly on flat areas or put on tags or placards securely attached to the equipment. A sign similar to that shown in Figure I should be placed at strategic locations tin easy reference.
3.1.2 This permanent marking system has limited application to refineries, because products and other materials flowing through piping and tankage change frequently. Companies may, however, elect to apply the equipment marking color-symbol system to points of pnxiuct transfer such as loading racks.
3.2.1 Fillboxes and Imllbox covers shall be clearly identified (see Figure 2). When hllboxes and lillbox covers are identified by means of the marking system, at least one fixed component of the Iillbox itself shall be labeled to avoid commingling accidents that might result from mismatching of fillboxes and their covers. The following labeling methods are recommended:
a. Painting or placing a decal on the top of the cover and on the rim of the lillhox.
k Attaching a tag securely to the fillpipe adapter.
c. Screwing a tag onto the fillhox rim.
d. Fitting a plastic or fiberglass insert inside the rim of the fillbox.
3.2.2 Product dispensers do not have to be included in this identification program, since individual companies prefer in use their own colors and symbols when relating to the general public. There is, however, no reason not to adapt the marking system to identify dispensers.
3.3.1 Thnk truck, lank-car. and marine loading and unloading facilities shall be identified by means of this system (see Figure 3). Markings should be as close as possible to the point of product transfer.
3.3.2 Storage tanks should be identified by means of this marking system. Labels can help prevent product commingling and afford rapid product recognition.
Dcliv cry sciiiclcs inc the most imliportamit link in the distribution system and amc most sLmsecptlhle to loading and Lmnloadlng errors. By identifying faucet valves with marking system tags or placards, operators can readily match the valves with similarly labeled loading and unloading facilities.

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