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API RP 17M:2004 pdf download

API RP 17M:2004 pdf download.Recommended Practice on Remotely Operated Tool (ROT) Intervention Systems.
b) The following considerations should be taken into account for module replacement:
operational issues with respect to the vessel, e.g. simultaneous operations between subsea intervention and drilling or completion activities;
environmental aspects. including e.g. water depths, current conditions and seabed conditions:
— access at the subsea location;
replacement in one or two tooling missions;
— mass and dimensions of module to be replaced.
4 Functional requirements and recommendations
4.1 General
This subclause contains general functional requirements and recommendations for the elements within the various options of ROT intervention systems and interfacing equipment.
a) The ROT intervention system shall be designed to be as small, simple, reliable and robust as possible, to ensure safety of personnel and to prevent damage to the Intervention system, the SPS and/or the environment. No single failure should result in reduced safety for the involved personnel, or cause damage to involved equipment and/or the environment (consider redundancy in order to minimize the probability ot failure),
b) The ROT functional requirements shall reflect its multiple use over the design life of the SPS.
C) The ROT intervention system shall be designed to allow for sate and easy operation, maintenance, repair and replacement of components.
d) Operations of all functions in the ROT intervention system shall be optimized with regard to duration.
e) Priority should be given to reduce the time required for mobilization/demobilization onboard the intervention vessel.
f) Functionality and operability of new ROT intervention concepts shall be documented in design and by testing under realistic conditions.
g) All intervention tasks shall be possible to suspend in a sate manner. It shall be possible to resume a task suspended due to equipment failure or adverse weather conditions.
h) All ROT operations should be fully reversible at any stage.
I) All tool functions, which upon failure may prevent retrieval of the ROT system to surface, shall have override features. These shall include release from both the permanently installed subsea systems as well as from sealines and replaceable components.
j) In case of a vessel drift-oft, a weak-link or safe disconnectiorL/release method shall be installed between the ROT system and the liftwire/umbilical. The ROT locking mechanism against the SPS should ensure that the ROT Is not locked to the structure before the weak-link Is established.
k) A weak-link or a fail-safe system should be Included on all physical connections between ROT and ROV.
b) Each ROT, including the tool skids, shall be supplied with handling devices (e.g. lifting slings) certified for the maximum expected dry handling mass. This shall, where applicable, include the dry mass of the module to be handled by the ROT.
C) On the surface, replacement of components and modules in the various ROTs should be performed by skidding when required for safe operation due to vessel movement.
d) When required, tool skids should include all facilities (piping, valves and gauges, etc.) for function testing of the vanous ROTs.
e) The tool skids shall be balanced for sate lifting and handling with the dedicated ROT and, when applicable, with the replaceable module installed,
4.3.3 Common requirements and recommendations for umbilical and liftwire winch systems The following requirements and recommendations apply.
a) The design of the winch systems shall enable safe and simple replacement of the umbilical/wire.
b) The handling and routing arrangement for umbilical/wire shall enable easy and efficient installation and operation.
C) It shall be verified that all sheaves suit the diameter and minimum bending radius of the umbilical/wire,
d) Winches shall provide efficient running, operation and storage of the complete umbilical/wire,
e) All winches shall be titled with a mechanical brake system (fail-sate system).
f) The umbilical/wire should be evenly spooled onto the drum during wind’in. A level wind arrangement should be considered.
9) Winches should be operated from the ROT control console, It is recommended that in addition the winches be equipped with a mobile remote-operation control, as well as local control at the reels.
h) Winch load calculations shall be in accordance with the relevant standards and regulations in which appropriate considerations have been made I or the dynamic loads.
i) The lifting winch or deployment system should include a facility for deptti.display during operations. A metre• counter, acoustic link or equivalent should be considered.
j) Constant-tension winches shall allow for instant and direct switchover from normal operation to constant tension.

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