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API RP 17Q:2010 pdf download

API RP 17Q:2010 pdf download.Subsea Equipment Qualification- Standardized Process for Documentation.
equipment data
Technical, operational, and environmental parameters characterizing the design and use of equipment.
The termination of the ability of an item to perform a required function.
NOTE After failure, the item has a fault. Failure is an event and is distinguished from a fault, which is a state.
failure mechanism
The physical, chemical, human, or other processes, which lead to a failure.
NOTE Most failure mechanisms involve more than one process and occur as a chain of events and processes.
failure mode
The effect by which a failure is observed on the failed item.
failure mode assessment #
Supplier or operator assigned number clearly documenting a specific component or assembly failure mode assessment.
fa u It
Abnormal condition or defect at the component or assembly level that can lead to a failure.
Any part, component, device, assembly, sub-system, functional unit, equipment, or system that can be individually considered.
Company, corporation, enterprise or part thereof, possessing ownership of supplied equipment.
operator governing specification
Supplemental or overriding operator specification.
A company, corporation, firm, enterprise, institution, or part thereof, whether incorporated or not, public or private, that has its own functions and administration.
original equipment manufacturer
An organization that manufactures components or parts, which are included in the finished product marketed or packaged by another.
NOTE In some cases, the supplier and original equipment manufacturer may be the same organization.
process media
Fluid conditions that can affect the component or assembly, such as hydrocarbon composition (e.g., hydrogen sulfide or chlorides) or specific chemicals being used.
product qualification sheet #
Supplier or operator assigned number clearly documenting a specific component or assembly qualification status.
The process of independently confirming by examination, testing or some other defining evidence, that equipment meets specified requirements for the intended use.
qualification testing
A testing procedure designed to check that an item meets the customer’s specification.
revision #
Organization assigned number used to identify the most current product qualification sheet or failure mode assessment template.
service conditions
Prospective operating conditions to which a specific component, or assembly may be subjected such as water depth, pressure, temperature, process media, and design life.
specification (customer)
The document in which the functional, performance, and operating requirements of an item are defined together with the request for compliance.
specification (supplier)
The document in which the functional, performance, operating characteristics, and limits of an item are stated.
An organization that supplies equipment and interacts with the operator or engineering firm on the operator’s behalf.
supplier bill of material
A unique number allocated by the supplier for a specific item.
Inter-working mechanical, electrical or hydraulic hardware, including all the control mechanisms associated with their operation, such as firmware and software.
Process that substantiates whether technical data and engineering models are within the required range of accuracy, consistent with the intended application.
4.2 Component Classification
Component-level classification in this recommended practice is consistent with the component categories listed in API 17A. FMA and PQS documents are based on the subsea-specific components as classified in Annex A. This practice is intended as a guide to improving subsea component qualification by specifying recommended tests as well as a documentation process. Operators and suppliers may need to reassess component qualification limits, as required, for different field configurations and operating conditions. This reassessment might include developing
additional component PQSs not specifically listed within this RP revision or excluding components as dictated by the situation.
4.3 Failure Mode Assessment
The FMA templates allow operators to proactively identify failure modes and associated risks and to test components and equipment prior to project execution. The FMA template, provided in Annex B, also provides a systematic way for operators to identify additional qualification tests required to further qualify a component to ensure its longevity or manage component technology extensions or upgrades.
Operators and/or suppliers may use FMA templates to identify critical qualification tests and acceptance criteria that encompass testing of potential failure mechanisms. The FMA process allows for increased visibility of failure modes and acceptance criteria, which in turn allows for improved qualification testing as full life-cycle requirements are better understood. The information presented in the FMA templates can lead directly to the qualfication testing presented in the PQS documentation as well as serve to incorporate equipment lessons learned or field experience. Again, operators and/or suppliers may need to reassess components based upon the qualification testing performed on that component relative to the components’ intended service conditions.

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