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API RP 2001:2012 pdf download

API RP 2001:2012 pdf download.Fire Protection in Refineries.
5.5 Location
5.5.1 General
The location of a refinery ideally will provide usable area ample for sale spacing of all facilities, with an allowance for buffer zones and future expansion Consideration should be even to the nature of adjacent property and its relative location to the refinery, since refineries may expose these properties to a vanety of potential hazards. Conversely, since adjacent properties can also expose the refinery to different types of hazards, those potential hazards should be taken into consideration in locating the refinery or evaluating hazards, For example, the location of neighboring airports and the prescribed landing patterns of aircraft could present collision hazards. Location should be considered In conjunction with proposed layout of facilities (5.6).
5.5.2 Climate and Geography
Natural penIs suci’i as windstorms, floods, and earthquakes can create fire hazards. The frequency and seventy of these events should be taken into consideration when designing refinery systems. For example, certain areas subject to potential earthquakes require special bracing of equipment. Areas subject to extreme cold and heavy snow may require special designs to prevent equipment failure due to freezing or excessive snow or ice loading, along with the resultant fire hazards associated with those conditions. See 8,4 and Annex B
Prevailing wind direction Is generally unreliable However, design of facilities with the potential for release of flammable or toxic materials should include awareness of prevailing wind conditions in siting and emergency response planning This may reduce the probability of ignition or exposure by taking note of the seasonal variance of prevailing wind direction. Wind socks can help evaluate conditions if there should be a release; these need to be maintained to be functional arid may not help if frozen or unlit at night.
5.53 AvailabilIty of Water
Availability of sufficient fire water and process water from internal, industrial, municipal or natural resources is an important requirement when considering the refinery operation and emergency response Further details on water supply are discussed in 6.2 and 5.10.4.
5.5.4 Supplementary Local Fire Protection
The availability and resources available from local public or private fire departments should be investigated. Well- equipped public fire departments can be of valuable assistance. However, these departments generaly do not train in fighting large petroleum fires so sharing of training facilities and experience can be mutually beneficial. Mutuaiaid organizations, including other refineries or allied plants located in the same area, should be investigated. Members of such mutual-aid organizations frequently have specialized equipment designed for industrial use and have proven beneficial at locations where they have been put into effective operation. The availability of these organizations can Influence the amount of private fire protection equipment and staffing required. In at least one area a nonprofit industrial firefighting group is jointly owned throui industry membersh,
5.6 Layout
5.6.1 General
The layout of equipment will vary widely, depending on topography, types of units and equipment to be installed and, to some extent, the company operating methods. However, in developing the overal layout of a refinery from a fire protection standpoint. it is important to consider the location, spacing, and arrangement of all the various facilities to be installed.
The layout should provide accessibility for firefitlng and a degree of area isolation to prevent fire spread within a unit Consideration should be given to accessibility of unit isolation block valves and deluge, water spray. or spnnkler system valves. Remote shutoff or actuation valves may be warranted for emergency response, especially if access to manual valves may require personnel exposure to hazardous conditions.
Consideration should be given to potential impactleffect cii (or from) neighboring instaitations (such as community, adjacent industry, pubbc roads, heaters, tankage, etc.). Facilities for future expansions should be induded in the planning broad overview.

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