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API RP 51:2001(2013) pdf download

API RP 51:2001(2013) pdf download.Onshore Oil and Gas Production Practices for Protection of the
6.2.4 Inspection and Certification
buipmcnt should be nianutacwred. refurbished. inspected, and installed according to manufacturer. API or other industry standards, and legal requirements.
6.3.1 Venting and Flaring
Venting and (hiring shouki be restricted to a safe location. Where possible, the flare or vent should he located downwind considering the prevailing wind direction at the well location. V9ien praccai. all gases released to the atmosphere should be bunicd
6.3.2 Flare Pits
Flare pits. somcrimes called hiowdown or emcitcncy pits, should not he used for storage or disposal, The primary purpose of a (tare pit is to catch any incidental fluid tha might be associated with the gas stream that docs not bunt fluids in a flare pit should be rcimwed daily, or as quickly as practical.
Siting and construction of flare pits should minimize the risk of surface and groundwater contaminaütm. The size of the flare pit should be commensurate with the volume of liquid effluent that might be espelkd from the gas flare. Use of a knockout vessel should be considered.
6.3.3 Control of Noise and Other Nuisances
Flares may need to be provided with noise abatement inca- sup-cs to maintain noise levels compatible with the local cmironment, The noise intensity, dur.ition. location relative to public areas and nutural resources, as well as the flaresent csit design should he considered. where applicable.
Other nuisances, such as light emiltance from a lighted flare, odors, and dusL should he controlled as considered appropriate for the location.
Permanent abandonment is done when the wcllbore has no further utility and is permanently sealed against fluid migration Temporary abandonment operations may be performed when a wellhore has luture utility, such as for enhanced oil reesweiy projects. and Illust be maintained in a condition where routine workoser operations can restore a welibore to service.
6.4.1 Subsurface
Several environmental concerns related to well abandonntent should be addressed, The primary environmental concents are protection of freshwater aquifers and underground sources of drinking waler (USl)W, as well as isolatn of downhole fonnattow. containing hydrocarbons or used for injection. Additional issues, which should be evaluated. are the protection of surface soils and surface waters. future land use, and permanent documentation of abandoned wellbore locations and conditions, Plug9ing Purpose
The purpose of plugging wells is to present interronal migration of fluids; the contamination of freshwater aquifers, surface soils, and surface waters, and to consent hydrocarbon resources either in the production interval or potential production intervals. Generally. contamination by an improperly plugged and abandoned well can occur in two ways:
a. The abandoned well can act as a conduit for fluid flow between penetrated strata, into underground sosates of drinking water, or to the surface.
bL Contaminated water can enter the abandoned wellbore at the surface and migrate into underground sources of drinking water.
Such contamination is presented when a well is properly plugged Not only do the plugging operations present an abandoned well from becoming a conduit for contamination to occur. but, well construction and completion methods also contribute to the prevention of contamination.
Well plugging operations are focused primarily on protecting underground sources of drinking water, isolating downhole formations productive of hydrocarbons or tried for injection, and protecting surface soils and surfisce waters. A surface plug presents surface water runoff from seeping into the wellbore and migrating into undeqround sources of donk.ng water. Cement plugs isolating hydrocarbon and injectiondisposal intenals and a plug at the base of the lowermost underground sources of drinking water accomplish this primary purpose.

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